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to the jury



i was hoping this would have been over on friday(feb16) but the jury could not make a decision in the time allotted, so we have to go back on tuesday. i dont know if this is good or bad. but let me tell you the most unbeliveable thing i have learned. this is nationwide, not just for arizona. did you know that when you go to the er, the dr, once he has diagnosed you, does not have to discuss with you or your family what your treatment options are, he can make the decision on his own. this is called the standard of care, as attested to by the er expert from harvard. excuseeeeeeee me, but it is your own body, you should have that right to make your own decisions on your healthcare, but not in the er. i was totally able to make a decision that nite for myself. so please beware, should you have to go to the er in the future, make sure you demand your patient rights and discuss your options. we shall see what tuesday brings. wish me luck, this is very important to me. kimmie


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Yep. Also, once you call 911, everything is out of your hands. You can't make any decisions. My worst scenario was when my Dad died. He died at home and as the dutiful daughter who took care of everything, I took out the DNR. They said it was the "old version" and kept attempting to resuscitate my father. It had been a long struggle for him, he was but skin and bones and it was time to let him go. He was dead when they got there. It was a horrible thing they did.


The thing is, the DNR was only about (2) years old. If there were new guidelines, I never heard about it from the legislature.


I don't know if your case involves you as the plaintiff or if you are on the jury. Whatever your situation is, I hope your burden is lifted on Tuesday. Good Luck. Take Care. LK

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Hi Kimmie


Your comments and that of Lucy's has me wondering about my experience. I went to the ER in my own vehicle within about thirty minutes of collaspsing from my TIA/stroke. I received tPa after an adamant urging to the personnel from my wife. Thankfully she remembered hearing about it from the media several months prior and pushed for the doctor and on-call neuro to administer the treatment. I'll never know but I always thought that I was just fortunate to run into a knowledgeable doctor and experienced neuro, and tPa was the normal response. Maybe the trick was more a combination of having a forceful wife, good insurance and driving up in my old truck.


I'll be extremely curious of the outcome of your case. Hopefuuly it will be in your favor, although that won't solve all your issues.



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