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I'm walking!



I started back to physical therapy about 5 weeks ago to help me get better at walking with my walker. For some reason, walking was becoming very difficult. I use a quad cane for short distances, but someone has to be beside me, as I'm not too steady. I wanted to be able to walk through the house and just get out of the wheelchair and off my butt.


Well, The therapist I am working with is very knowledgeable and has helped me immensely. She has experience at Mayo's and has worked with all types of disabilities. She knows what to tell me to correct my bad habits and I can now walk around the track at the Rehab Clinic which is 240 ft.


Here at home, I can get my walker in front of my WC, stand up, put my left arm on the platform, take hold of the handle with my left hand, grab the other side and away I go. I walk across my bedroom through the door, take a right and walk across the family room to the kitchen door. Into the kitchen, take a couple steps and turn right to the livingroom door, walk to the middle of that room and turn right and go through the other door into the entryway; turn right again and back to the familyroom. Now I have to make a couple left turns to get back to my room and WC. You know I am a senior citizen because I try to make mostly right turns!


Anyway, it feels good to get up and look at things from a different perspective. I have had to accept a lot of changes in my life in the last couple of years. I was still very active when the stroke struck. I was going to Curves 3X a week and walking the neighborhood 3X a week. I was active in circle at church and went to church every Sunday. I had taken up quilting and was active in a quilt guild. Maybe I'll blog on quilting someday.


I guess what I am trying to say is, I feel more optimistic since I'm walking more. My goal is to walk into a restaurant instead of being pushed in a wheelchair. My caregiver, Misti, will help me reach that goal and my other caregiver, Paul, will be cheering me on.




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Way to gooooooooooooooooooo!!! I'm glad you're getting around more walking. I can't imagine how difficult it must be to have to sit in a wheelchair for long periods of time. I try to keep Gary moving around from recliner to wheelchair to sofa, and can only walk him from the toilet to the shower by myself, or along the stair rail or deck as long as he can hold onto a rail with one hand.





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Way to Go Mema, I'm so glad you got a really good PT. I think that is really important to be able to communicate and work well together.



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Walking is always a good thing. I get plenty every day but still get that restless leg feeling in my affected leg. It seem to keep increasing with pain like I'm not exercising it enough. I ride my exercise bike too.


Keep up the walking around in the house and you'll be able to do it with ease before long. Good going Mema I'm pulling for you.

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Good job Mema! It is encouraging to know that even if you haven't been to therapy for a bit and go back, you can see improvements! Keep up the positive attitude! WOO HOO!

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hey Mema:


you blog so less that everytie you blog I feel newbie joined, I am happy that you are walking more, moreyou will walk better it will get, I see my walking speed has ncreased too, I walk on treadmill atleast 4X in a week, we did great investment when we bought treadmill and bike.






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Guest lwisman


Have you considered looking into water aerobics? It is much easier to walk in the water - it holds you up. I know it helped me immensely.

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Thanks, everyone, for the encouraging comments.


Asha, it seems I only blog when I have good news to report. I will try to blog more often on some things I have been thinking about.



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CONGRADULATIONS!!!!!! That's wonderful news! Keep up the good work. Good results lead to more motivation and that leads to better things. Thanks for the update. Steve.

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