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Still dealing with the emotional aftereffects



Okay - the big blow-up happened, where my communication skills -or lack thereof- since the stroke have really screwed with my head and now have distorted my view of my marriage - which was perfectly fine until I threw it into a crisis mode late last week. I'm an idiot. I hate stroke and I hate the effects of strokes and the absolutely bloody long-ass time it takes to recover to some semblance of normal. I really hate life right now - enough to continue to tink of ways to mostly easily slip these surly bounds of earth anf fly to whatever happens next.I'm not going to do anything - I have a 12 year old daughter that I will not do that to butsometimes just the thinking about it and the planning of it helps to reliee the tension and frustration for just a bit. I know this is dangerous thinking and yes, I am under the care of botha counselor and a psychiatrist, so please don't recommend that route. What I'm engagin in right now is some writing therapy - writing to release the angst, I guess.


Looking up from a very deep hole that I know I cannot climb, nor cannot I get anyone to help me up with, at times I turn away in complete and total frustartation , anger, and pain. Other days, I simply gaze upward wishing so hard to get back up, knowing that I cannot, nor will I ever be able to be the same person I was before this struck. It's not fair. I finally meet a man who is as strong as I am, got my life going in a pretty positive manner and this stroke kicks my legs out from underneath me. I don't understand and probably never will - they've never found the cause for the stroke - more frustration.


Then I have a daugher who doesn't want to talk to me - she is officially in the teenager set - parents are the enemy!


All for now, getting tired - later



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:friends: ----wish I could offer more than a virtual hug but I can't think straight at the moment.


You are a strong woman and I have faith in your ability to dig your way out of that hole you're in right now.



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Mel, it takes two to make a couple. Having one half "down for a while" happens. If the tables were turned, what would you have done? Hopefully, not the same thing because you know the pain this has caused.


So many others - yes- those who have never had a stroke find themselves in the same position; therefore you can not blame it on your stroke. Most likely it would have happened anyway.


There is no reason to blame what has happened to you for this sad (as you see it) happening. None of us have asked for a stroke yet for some reason, we were chosen. Why? Who knows?


I also know, like Jean, that you can come out of the depths and will find a life that will be more than you ever hoped for. No, you will not ever be physically the person you were, but what has made you a special person - the "stuff" inside - will always be a part of you. And most important, such a person will go on to a different and better life. Bad things do happen to good people but it is that goodness which will see you through your pain.

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Okay ((((((((((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))))))))))) All marriages have blow ups or ups and downs. Sometimes we engage our mouths before we engage our brains. ( this happens to everyone .. not just stroke survivors.)


You have been through a lot.. a car accident, illness, surgery, teenager, the death of a family member. Not easy under any circumstances.


Don't beat yourself up to hard. Understand that everyone has ups and downs, as Phyllis says bad things happen to good people. Hoping for things to better for you soon.



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