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wednesday will be 7 weeks here...!!!!...i've put out feelers for a mandarin tutor...i can't resist seriously studying the language as i'm already immersed...an opportunity like this rarely presents...and it's a wonder- fully productive way to pass the slower hours here...a good friend from nyc is visiting...she arrives tomorrow and will stay for almost 2 weeks...how excited am i??...couldn't begin to tell you...i've become an ex-pat!...my beloved city and my beloved family friends and neighbors are beginning to fade more than i could have imagined...but still no complaints as i'm exactly where i need to be...i'm plugging away with the needlepoint... lol...the tuina has been terrific...i'm taking my herbs and trusting my body's ability to heal via the tcm protocols i have chosen...no new earthshaking progress to report...i just felt like checking in with the group...i will say that i'm slowly but surely becoming fascinated with china...i feel completely engulfed by this huge country yet never feel like i could ever be a part of it...i imagine most people either love or hate china...i don't think an extended stay here would leave anyone indifferent...i'm planning to stay here for a while after my treatment is completed, whenever that will be, to experience a taste of tibet, xi'an, a yangtsze river cruise and shanghai...i will be very fortunate indeed if my chinese friend, summer, accepts my invitation to join me...my best to you, richxxx


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As always Rich it is so good to "hear" your upbeat news. Denny has started the taking the herb treatment here through his acupuncture clinic. I love the way the aroma fills the house when I am "cooking" them.


Be sure to take photos of your journey and post them for us.

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I love your updates, the way you embrace all new things are truly amazing, not only for treatment you are in completely different environment but also wants to stay longer to learn about the country, that is awesome, I have been raised in east, still after my stroke can't imagine going back to India forever






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hi...from everything i've gathered the herbs compliment and enhance the acupuncture's efficacy...so you keep 'em 'cookin'...:)

mine come in capsule form three times/day after meals and a brown liquid twice/day...sometimes the brown goo is a bit too much but i manage to coach a bottom's up attitude...lol...the fact is that it's an important part of the therapy...


hi asha...my stroke has crushed me physically for sure but thankfully my interest in travel and meeting new people seems only to have intensified...i met two locals who extended such heartfelt greetings and new years wishes to me, a complete stranger, it didn't really matter that i couldn't understand most of what they were saying...they easefully reached my heart with their beautiful humanity...this experience irrefutably reminds me that life is precious and fulfilling...even moreso now??...maybe!

i'm struck by the different attitudes here toward disability and aging...i do not feel separate because i had a stroke which has thusfar rendered me disabled...for other reasons, yes, but culturally kindness here is generously rendered with a huge dose of genuine acceptance of what life often deals out...i missed that lesson in the schools i attended...it's a very welcome and healing change for me!

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Great to hear from you, in the far off land..


Good to hear you will stay and travel.. how exciting!!


Quite a few years ago I did "bunka" it is a type of embrodery I am not sure if it is Japanese or Chinese. It is very beautiful. I have been thinking of taking it up again. I did some search on line and got a catalog of a supplier in Canada.


Best Wishes on your journey and in all you do.

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