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acquaintances, friends and family



Just recently I have been caught up in what we used to call "cat fights" in other words fall-outs between women friends. I say friends in that I have known these two women most of my married life, maybe thirty years or more. They are neighbours and friends. Just lately for an unknown reason their friendship has changed and one of them rang me early this morning to say she hated how I backed "X" up and how dare I? This upset me to say the least. But then I am a woman and I can be over-sensitive. ME? YES!


So I was a bit blue when I fired up my computer then who should pop into my screen on Messenger but Bessy! She was her normal cheerful self and I thought what a contrast to my other two friends. Thank goodness there is always someone to cheer me when I am down, someone to support me when I am weak, and here in real time, someone to call me on the phone or pull me up in a shopping centre to say "hello". What would I do without acquaintances, friends and family?


I rang my daughter early this morning to see how her husband was. He is just back home after a kidney stone operation and she said mostly sleeping still as he was weakened by the whole episode. She is glad to have him home at least to advise her as she struggles to look after the family, the home and the needs of her Salvation Army Corps. She is only new in town so is having to rely on the ministry from people she hardly knows but that is okay too. Angels come to us in all shapes, sizes and guises.


I just got back from an old friends funeral. He was an invalid for many years. His nephew said he had all the illnesses you would find in a medical book and a few more they haven't discovered yet and that is about the truth but he rode his scooter through his neighbourhood dressed as Santa handing out treats to the kids, sang with our Lions Club's singing group in retirement villages and nursing homes and sold tickets not only to benefit our Club but other charity organizations too. What we here call "a good bloke". Helping others is sometimes frowned upon or laughed at now. We are "God botherers" or "do gooders" yet without those who are charitable and give of themselves and their time where would the poor, the down-on-their-luck, the abandoned and the lonely be? Charity dollars have to be raised by someone in every community.


Thinking about all this makes me think I have to do more in my community. I know I have Ray to look after and that is a big job, but there is also in me a tendency to make it an excuse. "OH I'd love to help but I have Ray you know." so I wave my hand at him sitting in the wheelchair and sail off on my shopping trip. But that is not always the whole truth. Like everyone else I have 24 hour days and like everyone else I choose what I will do with them. So I can find some time to lend a helping hand, if I really want to. So maybe I need to work out how I can achieve this.


We are after all friends to those in need. A friend to the poor, the weak, the lonely, those who need support. For at some time or other that describes us. We have all been in need of help ourselves. Just being here on Strokenet proves that. We all need support so we find it in the company of others. That doesn't make us "do gooders" does it? It just makes us human with all the usual human failings. Every one of us is frail in some area of our lives, just as each of us is strong enough to hold out a hand and help others. It has to be a two-way exchange.


I thought of the "cat fight" when I saw the old friends sister-in-law and remembered that she went to school with my sister. A recollection of her and another five year old charging at each other in the playground and tumbling over and over in the dust came to my mind. She is probably still passionate about some issues and that makes for a little conflict in life sometimes. Think it over and see if the occassional "cat fight" doesn't leave us licking our wounds but also looking for a reason why what we say and do sometimes brings out the worst in others.


I wish for you all, good friends, and the blessings that come from serving and supporting others.


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That's too bad that your old friend can't see that you have a right to an opinion and a right to express it. I'm not the type to back someone up that I feel is wrong, friend or not and I'll bet you are the same way. We have a conscience for a reason and it's not right for someone to expect us to ignore that. Hopefully, in time your friend will realize this and you'll all kiss and make up. If that happens, I know that you're a forgiving person.





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..."If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you." - Winnie the Pooh.


This is how I feel about my friends right now. Coming to terms with losing them one at a time is so hard for me. This afternoon I learned of two more deaths, not close friends but cheerful older acquaintances both from our bowling days. If things come in threes I guess that is it. And this is late summer, not even winter, the peak season for death.


As long as there are good friends and family close by I can manage. Without them whatever would we do?



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First of all, my condolences on the loss of some of your friends. Although not family by blood, and though you may not have spoken to them everyday I know how it feels to lose those with whom we've had an association. Even though the association may not have been close there are always memories of past experiences. Each person we know helps to make us who we are today I think.


I'm glad your son-in-law is home from the hospital. God does work in mysterious ways, and this may be a way for those in their "flock" to grow spiritually and to learn the need to minister as well as be ministered to.


In my past I was the "professional" Ann. My very best friends in the world also worked in the grocery sales field, although for different companies. One of those friends was also in competition with other divisions of the company I worked for (a little company called Procter & Gamble). We often had discussions (not arguments or fights) about the psyche of women. We decided one certain thing - we are our own worst enemies. How often do we hear about men having those ridiculous complaints about 'backing' one or another?


We women are not only nurturers, we are also controllers. All too often we think WE should be in control of everything and everybody in our lives. Your description of the woman who called you accusing you of "backing" one of your friends reminded me of that. Your experience exemplifies perfectly the fact that we women ARE our own worst enemies!!!


I agree with you that I sometimes feel comfortable with using Bill as my excuse for not doing some service work. Yes, it may take a little bit of effort on my part to arrange things - but I know in the end how valuable the me time is when I get away from the daily responsibilities and help another. This site is a perfect example of the fact that deep within us is a need and desire to help another - to be our brother's (or sister's) keeper if you will.


Thanks for another wonderful blog!





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Sue, I am sorry that you have been involved in this "catfight" but I firmly believe that if you are not meant to be friends with someone, it is not meant to be for some reason or another & someone else will come along when you least expect it , sorry also for the friends you have lost due to Death.

There is always a "Bessy" who will cheer us up when others have let us down & who never lets us down.

Glad your son- in -law is doing well, your daughter will be pleased to have him home. Angels do come to us in all shapes & sizes.!!


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