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How Time Flies



I've been reading blogs, but haven't written anything for nearly a month! It seems like life has been moving along and I've become a little brain burned, without anything much to share, but enjoying everybody else's blogs.


I'm pretty well packed for the trip to St. Augustine. Yesterday we went shopping for Bill. Going on vacation is always a good excuse for new socks and underwear! Feeling a little guilty about my purchases we got him two new pairs of shorts and a new shirt, too. I'm not sure how people go on vacation with three bottoms and three tops to interchange. It's almost (well, not even almost - it is) embarrassing to see the clothes I've got ready to go. There is a reason though - accidents happen and they seem to be coming more regularly these days. I can't let that lock us away because I'll go stark raving mad. Bill wanted to do this and at Christmas this is the gift he wanted to give us, so here we go!!


We are still battling the ingrown toenail. Last week he went back to the podiatrist and the nail had to be clipped away because there was some puss - in spite of a week's worth of Augmentin. The 2nd course was ordered, but he just couldn't tolerate any more, so that was replaced with Keflex. I'm changing the bandage everyday, and it doesn't look any worse, but the toe still looks a little "angry" as the doctor put it. It isn't painful like it was though, so I hope we are getting someplace.


We are enjoying the new car - can't remember whether I've blogged about it, and I don't think I have. Two weeks ago we went to "test drive" a new Mercury Milan and drove it home.......It's beautiful. It has all the bells and whistles, but wasn't nearly as expensive as another Toyota equipped like the Mercury is would have been. The way I look at it is that Ford Motor Company has a real reason to take care of their customers!! It seems like it's a matter of supply and demand - Toyota has gotten to the point where they feel they can get whatever they ask without "dealing". I love to dicker over car prices and deals - and I think we got a good deal this time. One of my biggest concerns was the trunk size because it was such a chore to get Bill's wheelchair in and out of the trunk of the Toyota. Our salesman was so cute - when he showed us the trunk he folded his 6'3" 240# frame up and got in the trunk!!! I was convinced before he did it but he had fun doing it. Seems in their sales meeting they'd been encouraged to demonstrate the trunk size by getting in it, and he was the first to do so - hope he got a gold star!


Trip itinerary - Friday, go to VA in Salisbury for Bill's 6 mo med check, travel on to Columbia, SC for the night - next night, Savannagh, GA - Sunday we arrive at St. Augustine. We'll be there for a week, then we'll be home Monday. I'm sure we can do the trip with one overnight with two full days to travel, but Bill's appointment in Salisbury isn't until 2:30. Kind of messes up the day, but once we head south I want to keep going in that direction. I'm SOOOOO excited.




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I am so excited for your trip, it's fun to plan and go places, tomorrow I am going to plan our yellowstone vacation for spring with all the bells and whistles



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Hope you have a great vacation, Ann, you two deserve it.


Next time you see the podiatrist ask him what he thinks about removing the nails altogether. Don's nails on his big toes were removed because he kept getting ingrown nails and with a diabetic that is not good. They look a bit weird without nails but in the 5 years since it was done he hasn't had any trouble at all since.



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Dear Ann--I love a road trip--"Get your motor running..." and all that. I love the planning and the driving and especially since you are going SOUTH! What a Smart Girl you be!! Drive safely and don't tickle the driver! Take Care. LK
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