Mema's Blog

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I am so impressed with the caregivers I have met here on StrokeNet and those that I know personally.


I have a friend, Bev, who has been her husband's caregiver for at least 10 years. He has MS and has been in a wheelchair for most of that time. They own a linen supply and cleaners, and he insists on going to the office ever day, and she makes sure he gets there. About a month ago, I found out that she has cancer of the pancreas and is undergoing chemo-therapy. How unfair is that? But, they are people of faith and I take comfort in that.


Now take my husband, Paul, please! LOL He could heat hotdogs in the microwave and that was the extent of his culinary knowledge and the grocery store was like a foreign country. Since my stroke. he has learned how to shop and cook. It's not gourmet, but we are surviving on something besides take-out. He has also mastered the dishwasher, takes care of the cat, and can do laundry when he needs to. Plus, he helps me get ready for bed every night.


We are lucky because we can afford to have someone come in to help me with bathing and dressing during the week. Misti is a true blessing. She spends about 3 hours a day and keeps our laundry done up besides taking care of me. She has experience in nursing homes so she knows what she is doing.


But, Paul is my main guy and you should know that he will be 75 in June. We are actually having a good life since the stroke. We don't travel much, but that was getting more difficult anyway.


The reason for this blog is I was wondering if there is a day of recognition for caregivers. If not, maybe we could get something started here.


I have to go now because Misti is here and has my walker out. I'll close by saying THANK YOU to all you caregivers out there.




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Great blog...from my point of view as a caregiver. If my husband could write or talk, I hope he would say the same things that you said about your husband. I know he would about the cooking. :D Just kidding. I can do a little more besides hot dogs.


I think there is a National Day of Caregiver Recognition that started back a few years back. I'll have to see if I can find out something about it or maybe someone will come along here with info.


Thanks for writing this!



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I just did a search every November is National Caregiver month! I think that's fantastic - of course I will not be broadcasting that too loudly LOL - my 14 year old would just love that. I agree with Mema - without our caregivers, where would we be................ :thankyou:

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