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Things have calmed down



For now anyway. He understands why I was upset and has promised not to do that agin - he knos I don't care if he has female friends, I have male friends, nut that emotional cheating is infidelity just as much as the physical is - hurts just as much with the betrayal and sick twisting in your stomach. We are going to counseling - that has helped - and he's finaly listening to me about not disappearring into the TV and he can finally see that the financial end of things is finally turning around - we got a nice tax refund:)

Thanks for the support ladies - as my counselor said - sometimes Men can just be stupid - they do not see things the same way we do and he's a throwback to when "men were supposed to take care of their families, not the woman" - we are working on that little bit of a control issue......


You ladies keep telling me I'm strong - I just don't see it sometimes....but I'm glad you do......


I've thunk up a project to do - I'm going to try to write a children'd book about stroke - what do you think? Any suggestions for the must-haves in the book? Going to aim for the 6-10 year old bracket.


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Mel, glad things have calmed down for you. We all have emotional break-outs sometimes. No marriage is perfect and that keeps it interesting! Take time to be together is my take on the issue, sometimes we women get too caught up in doing stuff to spend enough time being with our man. That is pretty important because if we are not there to listen and care someone else can slip in.


I know this is not the time and place to give advice and I am not a marriage counsellor so just leave you with some warm ((hugs)). :friends: :friends:



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Glad to hear things are settling down. Yes some men are still "men's" My dad was one of those.. "the silent type" I am glad to hear you are going to counseling.


The book sounds great.. I think the main thing when dealing with children is honesty.. as much as they can understand and handle. Not to sugar coat things, but to let them know that things happen in life and it is attitude and how we handle our lifes bumps.


As for strength.. we all have strenghts .... and we all have times when we need a shoulder or hug. But to fight and survive shows strenghth.


Glad to have you back, have missed you. And hope for continued progress in all aspects of your life.

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Mel, glad things are working out. I agree with my "sisters" on all sides. Think the book is a good idea. While, you don'twant to "talk down" to children, remember you are dealing with a year early age group especially 6 year olds, so terms and comparisions should be kept very simple. then again, one who has had a strokeshould know because we must relearn the things children do, such as writing. I think my has advanced some to about an 8 year old level unless I take forever to just sign my name. LOL!


BTW, I lit a candle for you the other day; perhaps that heelped everything work. Again, I thank you for that site. I know it had helped me and I'm sure, I will need it again, so thanks again in advance.



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