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Rush Limbaugh



Nothing reall very much to talk about. I think I am too tired to remember is part of the problem. :Neeeedsleeep:


Can any one tell me more about Rush Limbaugh? He was on the radio on monday talking about about his going deaf and subsequent cochlea implant. He had quite strong views about disabilities and stem cell research amonst other things. I guess he is a Bush supporter. You can listen to the programme again by following the link;




Interestingly the presenter, Peter White, is blind.



For a little "light" relief and to get the brain cells woking have a go at this:




I find the photos the hardest. Do try different levels. I wish you luck.


I must go to bed, might try and raed a bit of "Off the coat of Maine". I received my copy today.



Take care





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Rush is the kind of person you either hate or love. I hate the guy with a passion. He's on the radio hours every day with pro-Republican talking points and with anti-Democratic propaganda.


I couldn't get your link to work because I don't have real player but I listen to Rush in the car several times a week, more to find out what the "other side" is saying than anything else. He is anti-ESC research because that is the official line of the Republican party and his show is funded by the party.


I've never heard him talk about disabilities on his show but the man doesn't have an ounce of compassion for other people or any social programs paid for with government funds, so I can only imagine what he'd say.


Phyllis or Mema will come along and say the exact opposite of what I just said about the man. :D Like I said, it's a love him or hate him thing.


If I could change the spelling of 'evil' it would be spelled r-u-s-h. That's how strongly I dislike the man.




P.S. I just got my copy of the book, too.

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LOL! You've got it right, Jean, Ever hear some of your guys? The same thing just oppisite opinions.


I do not listen to Rush. When I'm in the car, it's music and right now, I've a classical CD on. I knew a woman though who during an election was making political calls and had a radio plug in her ear and was listening to Rush. Talk about being able to multitask! No stroke or other neurological problems there. And yes, she made excellent calls and no one would know what was actually going on.


I'm not surprised by your answer just as you knew what to expect from me. LOL! Love you, Jean.

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I'm with Jean... good explanitation of evil .. Even if I hear his voice I cant get to the buttons quick enough to change the station.


My husband once in awhile listens to him to short periods. although it aggravates him.. I say why do you listen to him then. I don't wish a disability on anyone. but maybe if he goes deaf he will be off the air..



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