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Vacation with a Wheelchair



This vacation is just what the doctor ordered! We are a month - 3/21/05 - short of Bill's 2nd anniversary of his 3rd stroke. I never know which one to "count" since there were varying limitations resulting from the last two. It doesn't much matter, the changes post-stroke are still there.


We are staying in a love B & B right across from the water. I'll post some pics when we get home since I forgot the cable I need to post pictures. We had one glitch. Since it is an old facility the bathrooms aren't really handicap friendly. The first thing I looked at when we checked in was the bathroom and noticed the shower/tub immediately. First I was told there weren't any rooms with a hand-held shower and seat, but after I bathed our first morning here I knew the room we had would never work. I went to the office and voila another room much more suited to our needs was located. It is perfect for us - moral of the story, don't give up.


St Augustine is beautiful. A wheelchair can go anyplace you want it to go. The city is very European in feel. By looking at the map one can't really tell how close everything is. I was first concerned about the parking arrangement but the lot where we parked is less than a "regular" city block away. Space is at a premium though so the XL parking space is anything but XL!!


I've loved all the walking - of course I'm really sore today - funny since we got here Sunday and have walked all over since then. Maybe it's the sum of the days that's making the difference. It's ok - we are loving it.


Oh the seafood. I've not eaten beef since....I can't remember...last week sometime. We've had shrimp, crab, oysters (BILL), mahi mahi, tuna........boiled, broiled, blackened, fried..........get the idea??


I also love our GPS - if only I would look at the directions instead of looking at the map! In Savannah we had an interesting experience of going back north on 95 for several miles into S Carolina before I finally said this is it - time to turn around and approach the hotel from the north! Bill asks often how I know where to go - the old habit of having a map in hand is hard to break. It's got to be frustrating for him and this is where the cognitive skills deficite is apparent.


Today we have rain so it's going to be a quiet day - at least morning. By this afternoon I think it will be passed and we'll be out exploring again. This moring I found a bakery and also some jewelry and shoes..... Such fun - this is really the very first vacation Bill and I have ever had together. I'm glad most places are wheelchair accessible - the places that aren't just don't get our business. We've seen several other wheel-enabled folks here too. Our experience here has certainly boosted my confidence for vacationing.


BTW - we met Phyllis Tuesday at a wonderful restaurant. It was real tropical and we shared the dining room that was really outside under a roof, with some pigeons! Such fun.


All in all - anybody hesitating about taking that vacation - don't hesitate any longer. I've done a little more planning for this experience, but every bit of planning is being rewarded with fun and relaxation now.


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Thanks for the 'report.' I'm glad you guys are having fun and a much needed break from your every day lives. Maybe when you get back home you'll be inspired to take more day trips close to home. St. Augustine sounds like a great place. Glad you and Phyllis got to meet.



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Tell Phyllis hello from Fred, glad you got a room you can use for Bill's needs. Maybe that's why so many folks from up north go south each year.


I remember those days when you travel with the map up-side down in your lap going south. A GPS is the thing to have these days. I bet the seafood is great, wish I was there with you all. Oh well, have a good time.


Now, I'll have to invest in a lap top when I travel. Thank for sharing your experiences with us.

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it's great that you are not getting bogged down by disability and still making travel plans and enjoying it, I love travelling too, and that's what I plan out with my family, luckily I don't have any special needs in walking or in bathroom




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I need a holiday and yours sounds just like what I need. But with Ray in rehab still and summer coming to an end I don't think that is likely.


I might try a "holiday at home" where you go out to eat every day, hit the tourist attractions if you want to but sleep every night in your own bed. A friend of mine suggested that and I think I will do it a month or so after Ray comes home. No cooking!! And no travelling means we save on fuel and accommodation costs and Ray gets to stay in his own environment too.


Waiting for you to fill in the details about the rest of your holiday.



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I've never heard it called "holiday at home" but Don and did a mini version of that last summer when we went to a different tourist town near by every weekend. Lots of fun.



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