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Finding the strength



I am sitting here this morning with my world spinning out of control. I'm not sure which way to jump or how to act or how to feel. I have thought alot about God and really felt like there is no such thing. I'm not saying that I have 100% changed my mind to believing again. I am just trying to find the strength to deal with the situation that surrounds me right now. I don't really know how or where to turn. Maybe there is a God and this is a test of my strength or faith. I really don't feel that I can do this. This is not how it is suppose to be. When someone gets that ill, they are just suppose to close their eyes and leave. There is not suppose to be suffering for good people. Why is my mom being put through this? Ok maybe my dad and I are being punished by having this dumped on us, but why punish her? Where is the fairness in that? I honestly just want to run away. I wish I could hide until it is all over. I don't want to deal with this, watching my mom get weaker and weaker every day. It isn't fair to her. Where are the answers? Is there anyone or anything that can help me? I just wonder these things as I am sitting here watching my mom slip away.................................

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Hi Cydni,


It almost seems like an invasion of your private thoughts to comment on this blog entry. But I wanted you to know that I understand you're wanting to run away. When I share-caring my dad I had to drive quite a distance to get to his house in the country and while I was on the expressway I can remember having the impulse (several times) to just keep driving until I ended up in another state. He was in the early stages of Alzheimer's and it was SO hard to watch the man I love slowly leave me.


I think you get through all of this by trying your best to live in the moment---not look back, not look forward. When my dad had good days, we took the time to smell the flowers, treasure each experience. When he had bad days, I learned to disasociate. i.e. he wasn't my dad then, he was a man I cared about and cared for. But my dad---the one I'd known all my life---was dying in stages and therefore I had mourned for him in stages. This is what you are doing with your mom and I promise you, your feelings are not unusual. pash.gif



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