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Someone Weeded the Bushes...They Keep Coming



OK, so I'm spoiled. Its out. You know my deep, dark, dirty secret. I suppose I should have been a Queen who held court everyday and had everyone's attention. Although, I really don't like that fawning stuff, come to think of it.


In the defense of a good majority of my friends who have not come to see me, they live on the Eastern Shore while I now reside on the Western Shore. The trip can be (50) miles or more.


The other day, two of my friends came over and took me to lunch. These friends are very special to me. We grew up together and actually, Johnny was my first boyfriend. He is quite debonnair and the epitome of chivalry. I don't know whether I liked his father or Johnny more. Johnny was/is a spittin' image of his Dad. My other friend is Gugy. Yes, that is his real name. He is actually a 4th and is head of his Scottish Clan. Gugy didn't go to school w/ us; he attended a private school and has grown up to be a Republican. Johnny and I don't hold that against him.


Johnny has grown to be...well, the same as he was as a teenager. He has a wonderful wife who allows him to do the things he loves to do. He will be going this week down to Florida and p/u his boat and bring it back to its port in Chestertown. She's a beautiful wooden boat, the last boat Ralph Wiley built. Ralph's boats all had beautiful lines to them, whether sail or power. "Sweet and Low" is a power boat. Johnny promises to bring her over and take me, family and friends out for a cruise. I promised to try and build my strength up enough to provide gourmet goodies for said cruise.


Gugy came over w/ Johnny with an ulterior motive. He had questions about another friend of mine of the female persuasion. I told him she was a very nice, down to earth person and he would like her. I told him she may deserve him but he certainly doesn't deserve her. :big_grin: Gugy is a very eligible bachelor. He has always asked for my advice on these matters but I don't think he has ever followed it.


What I love most, we had a great conversation about global warming, George Bush, Iraq, and just catching up on old friends who were not present. We kept it factual so it wasn't gossip.




Yesterday, was my best friend's, Cindy's, birthday. She hit the big "50." We met years ago because we lived in the same town and our children were the same age and went to the same nursery school. She is a crackerjack! I love her to death. Her husband threw a surprise party for her last night at a wonderful restaurant in Little Italy. The food was "really groovy; anymore would have been a mediocrity." Best of all, I didn't give it away by mistake. :Clap-Hands: BS, I kept all confidences, After Stroke, I have made some mistakes. Now her daughters are telling me things and then they say, "Pls don't tell Mom." Best I just forget, that would be the easiest thing.


Anyway, I had a great time w/ great friends. Also, I got to see my "Surrogate Grandson!" Cindy had all girls and I had all boys. I was suppose to have a boy and a girl but my husband messed up. So I "adopted" Cindy's oldest daughter as my "Surrogate Daughter." She is married now and has a wonderful son who has the vocabulary of a 40-year-old at the ripe old age of "just turned 5-years-old." We don't know where he picks this stuff up but his vocabularly is phenomenal. He is the one who taught me about love. He is the one who said, "Ms. Lucy, I love you even when you are having a boring conversation." My heart melts when I am around him. Megan and Doug want me to come up and spend more weekends w/ them. That way, they can get more rest while I hold Christian's attention, one of my favorite things to do. I love to boggle his mind w/ my sense of humour. Megan told me, when he was born, she wanted me to do this. I had done the same thing to her while she was growing up and she told me one time, "Ms. Lucy, you had me believing things until I was 26-years-old when I realized you were just joshin'!"


Its been a fabulous week. Now that I've had a taste, I want more. See? I am spoiled. Take Care. LK

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