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Got it!



Finally got my Saeboflex yesterday. It is quite a fancy gizmo. Lot's of springs, adjustments, etc. The bad news is that it will require much work and effort on my part. This is particularly distressing because I am a pretty lazy person. I can lay down right beside work and not be bothered by it. Now I actually have to do more each day. Ugh! In fact, the OT said that she went to a stroke support meeting to show the device and was not well received. Most there felt it was too complicated and took too much work. Surprise! Everything in rehab is hard work and takes effort. We all wish we could take a pill, go to sleep and wake up tomorrow with everything being OK. My Dr. does not have such a pill. I think we can get into a comfort zone and not want to be disappointed again, so we stay where we are. I tried the mad, sad, why me, woe is me routine, but still felt bad the next day. In fact, I felt worse because I was too upset to sleep. Sorry, but to get better we will all have to keep working at it. Not fair, wish it wasn't so, but that is the way it is. Dr says my days of playing the piano are over (never did anyway), but hopefully I'll be able to build things with my beloved Erector sets again. With just one session I already see a bit of improvement in the left hand. Just having it around has made me focus on using the left hand more. I am now more aware of it. Anyway, I've got to get busy and do my morning session with the Saebo flex, fishing season opens in May, and this is the first day of the rest of my life!


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Thought I was the only lazy one! Good to know I have company. Sadly, I've come to the realization that if I stay still long enough, I regress at a fast clip. That just makes more work for me. So, as soon as I wake up, I get out of bed and get either sitting in a chair or go right on the treadmill. I have to keep moving or my body feels yucky. Someone has a warped sense of humour for putting me in this position! Take Care. LK
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Good for you, George!


Do you have to get a PT to head adjust it or was that done in the ordering process, to customize it?



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hey George:


I love your attitude, wished you had blogged 2 yrs back, I would have love to get that kick in butt to start moving again, when I used to dwell on why me.


welcome to our wonderful blogworld where we all draw strength and inspiration from each others experiences.



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