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It works! (so far anyway)



Jean, tried to post reply to your question, not successful, still learning this blog thing. Anyway, an OT will fit you initially, lots of measurements, etc, then will adjust for you upon delivery. The good news is that it works, at least for me. Your results may vary. After two days of use, the hand is much less swollen, can actually see the tendons again. May actually be able to get the ring off again soon. The fingers are straighter than they have been since the stroke. I can hold the hands together as in praying (probably not a bad idea to do more of that) and now the fingers touch, except for the index finger, together all the way. The index finger still has a tiny bit of crook in it but getting better every treatment. It takes a lot of adjustment, good if you or your caregiver are are mechanically inclined. I think the adjustments may be part of the therapy. I have found using a lighter spring is better, 45 minutes of a heavy spring gets tiring quickly. If you can use it at all, this thing will definitely increase your grip strength. I can now do the side to side finger separation, interupted the movie we were watching last night to show the wife the "Mr Spock" of star trek peace sign, gapping the two middle fingers. First time I could do that since the stroke. Not sure the wife was impressed, but I was. Still have a lot to spasity (sp) in the hand and wrist, but less than before. A least the fingers don't look or feel like overstuffed sausages anymore. Reading this forum I have come to realize that I was just a few neurons away from being a lot worse off than I am. Kudos to those fighting tougher battles than I ever could every day. The doctors say my stroke would have been worse except I was in pretty good shape at the time, ate right, cholesterol was good, non-smoker, Normal weight, etc. I really don't believe that. A stroke is what it is. I had no control over which vessels clotted off. I do think that my general condition has helped my recovery though. It sure would be easy to give up and let my caregiver do it all. But yesterday was a busy day, PT in AM then a "I am exhausted nap", then snow blowed the driveway for one hour, then the Bowflex and exercise bike for an hour, shower (need them often, I sweat more now), then the Saeboflex for 45 minutes. Slept well indeed. Will talk more abouit the Bowflex later, great machine, use it everyday. Also have a few more gizmos and gadgets to talk about. More later, time for the AM Saeboflex session.


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hey George:


I am so facinated by your sabeoflez result, I will defintely go for it after my botox wears off. you are inspiring me to do more exercises, I do hr of treadmill and 5 mins of bike that's it, now will start increasing my bike time




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Saeboflex. I wonder what that is? I had something to pull on that had rubber bands. This strengthened my fingers. The PTs could adjust the strength by using thicker bands. It was a challenge and so I took to it.


When I was in the hospital, the drs. would come everyday to ask me to move various parts of my body that they asked me to move the day before. Of course I got tired of this circus very soon. One day, I gave them the Dr. Spock "V" greeting. They were unimpressed. I was, as were my friends and family. I had more fun w/ them. :Clap-Hands: :yukyukyuk:


My dr. told me to ease off on the exercising :Tantrum: . I am now using the treadmill (10) minutes at a time and I do it about 3-4 times a day. I usually can do about (.33) of a mile each time. This weekend is suppose to be warmer so I am planning to go to the gym again. I hope I can walk there and back. I'll stay only a little while.


You are an inspiraton. I want to ride a bike. I have a great mountain bike just calling my name. I'll get there. Congratulations on all you can do! :cheer: :cheer: I'm impressed. Take Care. LK

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For those wondering what a Saeboflex is, go to Saebo.com. Thanks to all for the replies. You folks are an inspiration to me. I told the wife I'll try this blog thing for awhile, if no one reads it, I'll quit, if anyone does, I'll do it for awhile longer. For years I have said that in America we find the time and money for what is important to us. To that I now add the word effort. If clicking a remote is what you want to do, that's what you'll do. If riding a bike is what you want to do, do what it takes to do it. I must carry and paddle a canoe again when the water gets soft again, so I MUST do what it takes to make that possible. Don't give up! I have found when I am having a tired day, exercise more, work thru it. Yesterday I did PT had a nap, ate lunch, wife said why don't you go to bed. I was tempted, but did the driveway, then did one hr exercise. Showered and felt great! BTW, the way the muscle spasity is getting better, I will probably not get the Botox sked for later this month.

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