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good days and bad

cheer mama


I was writing a blog entry this morning on my lack of progress and frustration with resuming sewing and quilting. But due to the Internet Gods intervention you are all spared from my rant. (lately when my telephone rings it breaks my internet connection )


I was going to tell everyone about my previous experience with quilting and how frustrating it is now that I can't do what I used to do. Good news though, through full imersion in quilting I was able to find my muse and rekindle my desire to sew. I suppose that is half the battle. I have decided to persevere on an easier tack. I am not going to lower my standards, but I am going to readjust to simpler projects. I suppose it is better to complete a beginner project than to continue to frustrate myself with advanced ones.


I guess this is much like those of you who have found that you couldn't really go back to your old job, well this was my old job. I was an artist and teacher. It has also been my life's work and my purpose. I was supposed to have even more time to devote to it now that my children are grown. I'm not sure how I will find a new way to partcipate. I guess I just have to keep on with my saeboflex and find even more ways to compensate.


At least it is sunny today and spring is on the way. I wish you all "good days", I know I'd like to have two in a row.




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Dear Marden--

Don't worry, those "good" days will start to add up in numbers. Keep on practicing your quilting. The more you practice, the better you will get. Promise. My Dad always used to say, "Practice makes perfect." I know he wasn't the original author of this saying but we'd smack him anyway (just joshin'!).


Do what you enjoy and work on it when you are not tired. Have fun with it. I know you will. Keep quilting for the enjoyment you get out of it. What you want will come. Take Care, Good Days are coming. LK

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Marden, I guess your dominant side was the one affected and that is part of the problem. I met a woman at stroke Support who does chalk portraits. She was fortunate that her stroke affected her other side.


However, I have a crazy idea. You've no doubt heard about people who have monkeys who do art work using fingure paints or some other medium - well, why not just change your type. If you excelled in traditional painting objects, what not try your hand (actually either one) at modern art or something similar. Art can also be the good use of color, textures etc. Ever try painting with your oppposite hand, or can you do anything with the affected one. You'd become another Grandma Moses and be famous - perhaps as much or even more than before.

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I think there may be some articles here on one handed quilting. We had a quilting class on site, but there wasn't much interest. You could look up the articles and maybe e mail the lady.


I crochet. My dominant hand wasn;t affected. I did start with easier projects and tension was definately off (the affected hand and fingers) but with a lot of easier projects and practice I am back to crocheting again.


Best wishes with your art projects and quilting


There are some articles on the board under hobbies..

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