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Clea is MY cat, I am proud to say. Her full name is Cleopatra and I believe she is aptly named. Clea likes to go outdoors but with winter habitating the outside, she has been staying indoors and mostly on my lap. I feel quite honored to be in her company.


Today, I think I detected a sign of Spring coming soon. Clea tried to climb up to sit in the window. In the Spring, Summer and Fall, I keep the windows open as much as I can for the fresh air. Clea likes sitting in the window. In my last house, I placed bird feeders right outside of the windows so Clea could bird watch inside. Somtimes, I would watch along w/ her but I was secondary to this game.


Today, as Clea tried to get into the window, she turned around and looked at me. We started a conversation, telepathically. She wanted to know why I wouldn't open the window. That particular window holds her interest as there is a bird's nest in the rafter that is part of the balcony on the second floor. I told her it is much too cold to open a window. We chatted about the pros and cons of windows open on a cold winter's day and finally she agreed it is better to be warm inside when it is cold outside. But, she said, the next house we have she would much prefer a "Screen House." No walls, no windows, just screens. I told her I could only do the next best thing and that was to place bird feeders in the windows for her again. She grudgingly accepted this alternative. This conversation w/ my cat is a sign that Spring is soon coming to our neighborhood...or I'm going Bonkers! Take Care. LK


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You are not going bonkers! Either that or I'm right in there with you :big_grin: My Crystal and I have conversations throughout the day. Her favorite seems to center around "treats" lol. She is so expressive in her facial features that my daughter and I will verbalize what Crystal could be saying if she could actually speak. Crystal too loves to watch the birds. Does Clea so to speak "bark" at them?

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Guest lwisman


Both Clea and Chrystal sound like great cats.


My cat is also name Cleopatra. She is called Cleo for short. I call her the queen of our house. She thinks she owns the house and the humans just live here. Too bad she doesn't pay the bills. LOL.


Our neighbor feeds stray cats, so there are lots in our neighborhood. Every day they come to our back window, which is actually a glass door. Cleo sits on the inside (she is an indoor cat, rarely interested in actually going outside) and beats her tail on the floor. The strays play with each other and stare at Cleo. I'm convinced they come to our house because they know Cleo is here.


Cleo also likes to watch the bird feeder, but is also interested in squirrels and rabbits when they show up. When a raccoon showed up a few inches on the other side of the glass she growled. Of course, the raccoon was three times bigger that her!


She answers to her name and is very good at letting us know what she wants. She is very vocal.


Aren't cats wonderful?

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You are not going bonkers! Either that or I'm right in there with you :big_grin: My Crystal and I have conversations throughout the day. Her favorite seems to center around "treats" lol. She is so expressive in her facial features that my daughter and I will verbalize what Crystal could be saying if she could actually speak. Crystal too loves to watch the birds. Does Clea so to speak "bark" at them?


Guess I am another of your group, but my cat is a dog. We also discuss things and sometimes she is smarter than I. LOL!


As for Clea, when I saw that name I wondered where you lived because my 1st PT's name was Clea. (It still is.) I thought perhaps you had the same one. This Clea was from the Philllipines and it is the custom (I guess you'd call it) , to name children names with 4 letters. Her husband's name (also a PT that I had at step down) is named Mark and there was another named Luke. Clea had 2 children and the girl was named a longer name but the name could be shorten to 4 letters, and the second child, after I left was named Joshua, also can be shortened to 4 letters. I found that interesting- and now Clea, the cat.

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Well count me into this group... LOL as you all know I have 6 dogs, 1 cat, 2 goats and a goose. I talk to them all, They all know there names. Our toulouse ( buff/white) goose knows her name.. Lucy and comes when called. She sits with the outside dogs and "chortles" to them.


Muggsy our min pin (and dad to the other 2 min pins) is quite vocal.. If i correct one of the other dogs he has to go over and give them a growl also. He gets up on the chair and pounds the table (where the treat jar is) and vocally tells you it is time for a treat. He can be quite charming about it..lol He is my "talker" and if you ask him if he is a good boy.. he shakes his head yes.



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Greg and I have a cat - Napoleon is his name because he used to be in the wars all the time!! He was the neighnourhood bouncer!! Since he's been "done" he has calmed down a lot and only goes outside now to use the toilet. He only talks to us when it's food time, which in his mind is ALL day long!!!! Aren't pets wonderful!

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Does Clea so to speak "bark" at them?



No. Clea is a very quiet cat. Even her "meow" is a whisper. You really have to listen for it but she rarely uses it. When she wants something, she will come up and stretch up to my lap and bat at my hand, sans claws. Last night, she became adamant she wanted me to pet her and actually gave me a "passionate bite." She just scraped her teeth against my skin and then rubbed her head to be scritched by my hand. She is a very sweet cat. She has a habit of sitting in front of me and staring at me for hours. Most disarming sometimes.



"She answers to her name and is very good at letting us know what she wants. She is very vocal."


Dear Iwisman--

For some reason, all my cats have come to a whistle. I would like to take the credit of training them that way but it actually just happened on its own. I've had 3 or 4 successive cats.



Dear Phyllis--

Clea came pre-named to me. The short story is: I traded her for my husband. The girlfriend got my husband and I got her cat, Clea. True Story.



Dear Bonnie--

Your story reminds of when my kids were young. My mother-in-law had a collie. One day, I was over there w/ the kids and my youngest son, Mike, did something wrong. I disciplined him in a strict voice and told him in no uncertain terms was his behavior acceptable. "Missy," the collie, came right up and sat right down in front of me, looked me straight in the eye and actually started talking to me in a strict voice. I swear, no exaggeration, she did this for several minutes. I was NOT to discipline my children! She may not have spoken English but she certainly got her point across. We all laughed.


Thanks to all for your comments. Clea is a cool cat but I really am a dog person. Unfortunately, right now we have (3) cats in the house and one blind little and very old dog. I gave my last dog away because he deserved to be cosseted and live in a wonderful place. He is now in pre-heaven, living w/ 800' of waterfront, no traffic and friendly dogs which he leads around and plays w/ all day. He deserves all the happiness he can get. I love "Mr. Higgins." Hopefully, soon, though, I will be able to have a dog. I go on animal rescue sites and SPCA sites and drool over the dogs who are looking for homes. One day, when I am strong enough. I've always had dogs. Right now, Clea is happy "Mr. Higgins" is not in her life, so I suppose we will be canine-free for awhile. Take Care. LK

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