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Small seizures



WEll, I am tonsil, adenoid, and uvula free now :head_hurts: but it seems that the trauma of surgery may have induced some small seizure activity which I've had to be hospitalized for - got a lovely ride to the ER, was admitted to ICU and then transferred to the "Stroke Center Hospital" for our area to make sure I hadn't suffered another stroke. Scary :o but, in the end, nice as they did act fast and had me on an EEG fastas well as all the other lovely monitors. I've added pill #14 to the daily routine now - an anti-convulsant called Lamictal. The seizures are called "absent" or partial seizures that razz you enough to slow you a bit, but are not as bad as grand Mal epileptic seizures. I've also found out that seizures are apparently not that uncommon after a stroke(especially after a traumitizing event such as surgery) - glad they warned me about that LOL oh well :rolleyes:


I'm in the subacute wing here at the hospital but should be home on this Sunday - and back to my usual routine - have missed talking to everybody!!!! The hospital computer that I'm on now- in the activity room doesn't have Java and some other nice software installed because it runs oftheir I'm posting for the moment.


:hug: :hug: :hug: to all - hope everyone is well :big_grin:


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Glad to have you back, Mel, even if it is from the wing of a hospital. You sure have had a bad start to 2007. Cut that out! :)


Seriously, hope you come home to your family soon!



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Did you at least get the "ice cream" tonsils are famous for? Sorry, had to ask.


Glad you seem to be getting back to normal and perhaps the new med will only need to be temporary. Happy, too, that such efficiency was used. :big_grin:

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Hey Mel,


Are you trying to catch up with Bill's 21 meds? I know it's fun for you, as it is for me to sort the meds so you don't miss anything. I do it once a week. I have a list and go right down the list - then I know I won't miss anything and it's all done for the week.


My neurologist has thought about Lamictal for my trigeminal neuralgia, but he's stuck to trileptal and dilantin since they seem to "agree" with me. He did say Lamictal is really good for seizures. With TN I don't actually have "seizures" but the medication used to control the pain is anti-seizure! Strange...


Glad you are back and on the mend.



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Congratulations for being on this side of the tonsilectomy! 14 meds????? I'd have to be given a pill just to remember all of those! :bop: I've never been good at taking meds. One more day until you are homeward bound! Good Job! :Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands: Take Care. LK
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Glaf you are coming home... We will be glad to have you back :)


glad you have had some computer access to keep us posted.


Looking forward to having you back in chat. Take care!!!!

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hey Mel:


hey silver lining in your clod is atleast your seizures are small and controllabke through mdicines and finally you are coming home. Hoping for your speedy recovery and hope to catch you in chat someday.




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Thank you all for your kind messages - amazing that I hear more from my online family than the "locals" I love you guys!!!!!

Phyllis - I did get popsicles and orange pushup pops and cream bars :)

Although they think that the stress of the surgery on my body may have prompted the seizures so will have to keep that in mind for the future.....

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