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Just things



Spring has really arrived in my corner of Tn. I have Daffadills blooming! The last week has been sunny and in the 60's and 70's. I get daily reports from all my yankee family and friends how they are surviving frigid cold temps and that last foot of snow they got hasn't melted yet..... I can't help but think how glad I am to be in the south. In other past years, March was a long month that seemed to drag on endlessly cause I was anxiously waiting on spring. This year March is spring! So also starts the parade of visitors. Seems like yang and I are cooking Easter dinner for my parents and hopefully my 15 year old son. He still hasn't made his mind up if he wants to attempt a 12 hour car trip with my parents. I don't blame him in the least there, I wouldn't want to be stuck in a car with my mother for 12 long hours. :( So yang and I are busy planning all the things to do with my son. After I stroked I was verbally abusive and I damaged the relationship with my son. It has been about 2 years that we have been slowly working on repairing things. Instant messaging helps alot! Being a thousand miles away has helped in a way too. I communicate with him more then I once did when I lived around the corner in my apartment. Christmas morning, he turned on his web cam and I watched he and his sister open the gifts from yang and I. It was the next best thing to being there as I once was. But it works and I'm happy with how things are turning out.



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I am so happy for you, even our spring has also arrived here in NJ its gorgeous 60 degrees with sun outside, we checked outside our dafodils have started to come ot of the ground, and few which we planted last fall r oming out too. you are going to have great time with your son in easter. isn't technology great, we talk with our family members in India on IM and it's great.




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