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Twice in a week



Well I am trying to make good on my resolution & blog more for Baz & Me as it is good to bee able to read all the wonderful blogs & get to know people better.

Baz is doing well, he is wanting to get out more which is great as we have had a lot of rain here & in the surrounding districrts & the whole landscape has changed everything is GREEN & wonderful, when we go out in the car Baz is in awe & says at least 100 times in our hour journey" look at all the green ' We are so used to a brown landscape as we have been in drought for 3 years.

It's a shame that some of the Country is still in drought & not as lucky as us. The cows & sheep are in heaven, so full they are lying down contentedly instead of pawing at the ground for every tiny piece of grass they can find, our river was down to a trickle but now is flowing again & we are looking forward to sitting on our balcony & seeing the black swans come down the river again.

The best thing I did was get the balcony built when Baz had his stroke so there was somewhere he could sit & enjoy the view, it was worth every penny to see the contentment on his face !

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Always good to see you back in the blog community. We've still got snow covering most of the ground so it's nice to hear about "all the green" in your neck of the woods. I can't wait............. but I guess it will be awhile as winter is on it's way back in a few days.





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