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Pat me Back!



Denny has such a great sense of humor and is genuinely proud when he accomplishes a new skill. I replied to one of Jean's posts about Denny's response to anyone telling him what a great job he did - he grins and says, "Pat me back" while patting himself on the back. I love when he recognizes how hard he is working. Tonight, he recognized how hard I was working.


The past few weeks have been crazy at our house. I have had landscapers in to help me clean up the yard that hasn't been attended to for over a year due to Denny's stroke. Now those that don't live in the desert might not believe you can let a "yard" go that long, but here in AZ we have gravel yards and we can ignore a lot. However, the AZ Strokenet group is coming to visit on Saturday and I just HAD TO HAVE THE YARD CLEAN! So I hired a company to come and to a clean up and haul away all the things that Denny had collected during his "Sanford and Son" years. They finished the back yard today.


Denny was out tonight with a friend for a movie so I took advantage of the great weather to sit outside and enjoy a glass of wine by the pool with the outdoor fireplace lit and the waterfall flowing as I admired all the work that was done. AHHHH - I was so relaxed. Clean yard, clean pool, kind of clean house and a good glass of wine. When Denny got home, he joined me pool side. "AHHHH," he says. "Satisfaction." I asked him what he meant. In his apahsic way, he listed one word at a time, the things I did to make our lives good. I wish I could quote him verbatim. Here is the gist of what he said - one word at a time, followed by a pause and accented with gestures - a HUGE accomplishment for Denny:







Talking (holding his hand to his ear like a phone)





Mother, GOOD Mother

Stan (my Dad who I care for as well)

Daughter, GOOD!

Girlfriend, no, wife

Love you




As far as I am concerned, I just got a big "pat me back" for my role in our lives as caretaker, housekeeper, breadwinner, mother, daughter and wife.


It just doesn't get any better than this!


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Hey AZrabbit:


your yard sounds so beautiful, maybe you should post picture in gallery, I don't know why but I have that pull to meet you and first opportunity I will get to meet you and Denny, I am going to grab it, you have that kind heart personality.


I agree with Denny's verdict , you should pat our back many times from my side too .



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Thanks for the kind words Asha. I would love to meet you too! Maybe as the group grows and we get more "members meeting members" we will have to move to the NEXT level and have a Strokenet convention somewhere!



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That list of Denny's words is a true 'love letter' if I ever saw one! You've got a right to feel good about being appreciated that way. Last month Don gave me a "good guy" compliment out of a clear blue sky and I was beaming over that. I'm betting if we turned all the lights out tonight between Michigan and Arizona I could see you still beaming....




p.s. Have fun at your get together....

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Can't wait to see your place on Saturday - sounds absolutely beautiful. I noticed a "glow" in the northern sky last evening - now I know why :blush:

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Yep! And I am still smiling. Denny used to send me love poems all the time when I was on the road. This is the best one yet.

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