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Random funny story...



About this time last year, we were in a faculty meeting where an insurance rep. from one of those supplemental insurance agencies was presenting about our supplemental options. I was just shy of the one year anniversary of my stroke. One of the plans he was describing was for care if you have a heart attack or stroke. No one was really listening (the kids got nothin' on the teachers) until he decided to share some statistics about strokes with us. It was all quiet until he said, "I bet you didn't know that 22% of people who have strokes each year are under 65." This statement caused a fairly large rumble of laughter and stares in my direction. The poor guy didn't kow that they weren't laughing about him...they were laughing about the fact that they were sitting in the room with a statistic. By the way...I have a pretty good sense of humor about my stroke...have to, I work with teenagers. They think everything is a joke.


I thought of this story today because we will be meeting with that guy again next week. Maybe this time we will try not to offend him.




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you are so lucky to being working with such sweet tenagers crowd, man I am getting old when you are young you can laugh on anything, life is just about fun, lucky that you are surrounded in that environment day in and out. That's why I love to do those silly fights with my kido makes me still feel young at heart.




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Being an "older" mom as I had my kiddo when I was 38, I've always been told she'll keep me young. I politely agree and then add "or I'll be spending big $$ on hair dye) lol.

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Was Mr. Statistics ever told that you could quote things to him? Bet he really thought he knew everything. :roflmao: Maybe it is funnier when he doesn't know. I'd have loved to be a fly on the wall.
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