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New gadget, more musings.



Got a new gadget in yesterday. Yes, UPS knows our driveway well. This one would be useful to anyone that does detailed crafts and occasionally needs more working hands than you have. It is a magnifying glass held on a sturdy base. It also has two alligator clips that can be moved and clamped in any direction. Perfect for soldering two wires, perhaps even threading a needle. For about three bucks I just had to have it, even if I never use it. Hostmel has given me some good instructions on how to post pictures here, I'll give it a go in a few days. Today is an exercise day and tomorrow is Duluth again for more OT with the Saeboflex. The Saebo continues to help.The grip is getting quite strong. I can now carry 1/2 carton of milk with the left hand. I was able to add 5lbs of resistance to the left arm with the Bowflex yesterday. Have not gotten to the Neuromove yet, will try later today. My days are quite full at the moment.


In the next few days I want to talk about setting goals, motivation, etc. We become physically what we eat and how we live. Eat bad things and do bad things to your body, and likely bad things will result. Eat good things and do good things for your body, and ususally anyway, (not always) mostly good things will result. I believe the mind is the same. If we dwell on bad things, hang around negative people, we will become negative in our feelings about life. If we dwell on positive things, set positive realistic goals, associate with positive people, the mind will adjust and become more positive in all things. I am convinced that just as we are all trying to reteach our brains to do physical things, we must also teach, or reteach it positive thoughts. The words self fulfilling prophecy come to mind. Example: if you constantly think woe is me, poor me, why me, etc, guess what! Woe is you, poor you.


I no longer give the wife a morning update on my physical condition unless something is substantially different, good or bad. She knows that until I tell her differently the ears still ring, the foot is still sometimes cold, the hand and arm are still spastic, etc, etc. I could go on, but you all know what I mean. Why keep repeating it? When it changes for the better or gets substantially worse, I'll let her know. I do the same around anyone else that asks "how are you today?" I really don't want to be just a medical reporter on my condition, so I say "fine". That is what they want to hear anyway, and it allows the conversation to move onto other non-medical issues.


Speaking of the wife, poor thing, I just had to wake her up to watch what was obviously going to be a beautiful sunrise. My pause control does't work on such things, so I had to get her up. She is now sleeping in her recliner, coffee getting cold. Speaking of which, my cup is empty, time for a refill.


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Hey! I am not sure waking your wife up to see a sunrise is a positive thing! It wouldn't be for me if I was still tired from the night before. Maybe your impulse control is still out of whack...lol.


Maybe being around positive people all the time is okay for some but for a balanced view on life there has to be a diverse array of opinions like here on Strokenet. While you are up someone else will be down and you can stretch out a hand to help them up. When you are down ( and it can happen anytime) we will be here to reach out a hand to you.


Good luck with using all your gadgets and gizmos.



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I am convinced that just as we are all trying to reteach our brains to do physical things, we must also teach, or reteach it positive thoughts. The words self fulfilling prophecy come to mind. Example: if you constantly think woe is me, poor me, why me, etc, guess what! Woe is you, poor you.


I couldn't agree more! And I think this applies to non-stroke survivors as well as survivors. That's not to say that none of us 'positive thinkers' ever get down days or depressed. However, it's the pro-active way of looking for the good in situations that helps us find our way out of depression and down days.



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I do not live in a fantasy "positive thought" world. My point is that what we think of most, we will eventually do. Positive thoughts begat positive actions, negative thoughts begat negative actions. I always try to give positive actions to support the thoughts. Thoughts alone without actions are soon empty and meaningless. I stand by my belief that hanging around negative people is not where I want to be. Yes, I have bad days too, but thinking and then acting on positive things helps me recover faster than the opposite would. I plan specific examples of this in upcoming blogs. I will try to be clearer on that point in the future. I do thank you for the insight and another point of view, hostsue.

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I am so glad to see you here posting - love that picture and can't wait to see more of them. Let me know if you run into problems.

:welcome: again and next time I'll take more time to read your blogs - doing my validation job today so I'll read more tomorrow.


You and you wife sound like you are on a good path though - I am very glad for you.


have a great day!


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hey George:


I am not sure how I missed wonderful passage about positive thoughts, I believe in whole heartedly, it's like Like attracts like


yu are indeed inspirational in your thoughts, I would look forward to your more profound blogs than just gizmo and gadget updates.




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