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Saturday early morning, I helped with our local hospital's healthfair where we got to se up a booth for stroke, although it was mostly my local stroke support group I did get out lots of info to folks about StrokeNet - you can see in the second picture the brochures and some of our printables - and I had our bracelets in the goldish tin in front. We almost ran out of material there were so many people! It was great to know that we got out a lot of info. It was sort of embarrassing though :blush: - the other members would use me as their poster child for saying that strke can happen at any age (I'm 39, about to be 40!)

Anyway - a great time was had by all and we even had lunch provided by the hospital and another StrokeNet member was there too - PElizabeth.


So this time I got pictures for you Steve!


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Congratulations on a successful event! Your involvement is proof positive that life after stroke can be full and productive.


40, huh? Oh to be 40 again - aren't the 40's the "new" 30's? or is it 20's? Life really does get better with experience though, so I hope you will enjoy getting better with "experience"!!! (What's that about fine wine being better with age?)

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Hey Mel:


congratulations on successful Health Fair, you indeed have qualities of leader to do these kind of event all alone, I agree life just gets better with older we get, and wisdom we get from maturity, I am loving my late thirties.




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Thanks All - It was truly fun, although exhausting. It was nice to be out in the real world and to feel useful. Not that this isn't real but sometimes it is nice to see another human's face ;) I''m sure you know what I mean.


Oh yeah - the big 4-0. Not really a biggie for me - 30 was my trip-up, I thought the world was going to end - LOL, little did I know! Well, to be perfectly frank, at that time I was going through a divorce and had just had a total hyst, so it did really feel like life was over - sheesh! If I could go back to that person now and just whisper in her ear "It will be okay - not perfect, but you WILL survive and be wiser". Hindsight is 20/20 as they say, eh?


If I make it through this Friday (first anniversary of the stroke) without worrying myself to pieces, life will be grand :big_grin: ...... :secret: What's that? Do I hear the 50 yr old me whispering in my ear?"It will be okay - not perfect, but you WILL survive and be wiser". LOL :cheer: :cheer:


Everybody have a great day!!!!!

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