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If you live in or near Palm Coast, Florida and go to Walmart there to buy a Hoover Mach 5 vacuum, DO NOT BUY THE ONE ON DISPLAY! Why, you may ask? It was put together by a person who can't put a peg in a hole; needs 2 hands to tighten a *beep*, put it straight and not strip it and is plain clumsy and/or completely un-coordinated -ME! The first store I went to was easy- no product - just report that, but the second had one in stock and not on display and it then has to be done. I didn't luck out. :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :oops: I have 2 more stores to go to tomorrow. :uhm: wonder what I am going to find there????????????


"Beep" is a metal fastener which you tighten with a "beep" driver. :big_grin: Come on now...........


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I just removed the word 'screw' from the bad word filter. It's ridiculous that a word that has so many meanings is banned on this site. So if I get fired for messing with the PG-5 rated word filter, it's all your fault.


I recently sent a PM to a co-worker and I used the term 'screwed up' which of course got changed to *beeped* up which made it appear as if I said something worse than I really did. :)



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:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:


You just brightened my day. I live the fartherst point from FL.


ask for a screwdriver with a magnetic head, it helps hold the screw on the tip which may make it a bit easier for you.



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Love this entry Phyllis! Especially since I just had my own experience with a beepdriver and a table I was trying to assemble. I talked my son into taking it back to the store for me because I was too embarassed to tell them I beeped it up!

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After reading your blog entry, I now thoroughly understand why I had a stroke - so I couldn't put anything together anymore. Being a single Mom, I've created my share of Big Wheels, Fisher Price One-Two-Three Bikes as well as an Entertainment Center (Yes.... A tall and wide one) and a computer stand. Thank goodness my daughter never got hurt on her riding toys. The Entertainment Center is now in dumpster heaven after post stroke relocations. The computer stand is still alive - not well - but hanging in there (Just like me :big_grin: )

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It was so hard t understand your entry about why you are beeping at every sentence, till I read Jeans comment, and laughing since then



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If anyone else gets beeped for a word that is innocently used, let me know. When Steve first installed the word filter I took out about 20 words. You would not believe what it changed the word 'hell' to---something like 'eternal place of damnation.'



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