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Been too long



I haven't blogged in a while, and since we are in the middle of a thunderstorm, and I am stupid enough to have my computer up in the middle of this, I thought it appropriate to blog here right now, being as the lightning bolt is a symbol we use for stroke.


My latest blog was about my Internet radio station, which has been running since the beginning of March. I had so much fun putting it together, but once it has been running, I have put much less time into it. This is what I needed to do though. I needed a hobby, where if I could set it aside for a bit, would be just fine on its own. Being a stroke survivor, I have my good and bad days, and there are times where I rest all day. This turned out to be a great hobby for me.


There is a danger though, that all small Internet radio stations could be shut down, due to a decision by the Copyright Royalty Board to increase royalties paid to record companies. This would be way too much to bear for monetary reasons, so we would be forced to shut down. We have banded together to fight this, but have a way to go. There are a couple of websites that are set up to petition Congress to step in to reverse this decision. We have high hopes.


I have had a several days of health issues. Makes you think, as a survivor, about having another stroke. My doctor may schedule me for another MRI to see if anything has changed. We are giving it a little more time, as the symptoms seem to be just dizziness and balance along with headaches and it isn't constant. I am better today and hoping it stays that way.


The rain is really coming down now. If I can hear it from inside and I have the radio on, then it is really pouring. This place is fairly well insulated. Think I'll back away from the electronics now until this passes.


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Bob, you are lucky you don't live in Central Florida, This is te lightning capital. When I first came home from rehab we had a storm and to me it looked like a lightning strike had struck the garage under mt room. I got out of bed and called my sister and told her there is an explosion in the garage. She told me no, that it was just lightning. Sure was scary. Now, after having parts of computer zapped - even when the storm wasn;t right here, I've learned to pull all plugs even when using a surge protector, It seems that trouble can even go through the telephone hook ups.


I'm wondering if you'd send me your site so I would be able to get the music - also the site for the petition- I'd sign. You could PM it. I don't like Big Brother minding the business of people just minding their own business........hope Tom isn't reading this - he may think I've changed political parties. LOL! Then again, it's the other guys who do that. It doesn't take a village just friends who will help someone out. I'll even send it to my joke list and I'm sure they will pass it on. Won't be thousands but every signature helps.



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Bob, I second that motion by Phyllis about the web site and the petition. I'm definitely interested. We're scheduled to get some thunderstorms in AZ mostly on Friday. Being in the Valley, the lightening is viscious and the thunder seems to roll forever. We do desperately need the rain - the lightening just causes too many problems ie wild fires.

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Dear Bob---Congratulations on the Grand start-up of your radio station!


Pls don't fool around w/ lightning, though. I do as Phyllis does. When a storm comes, I unplug everything. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have my computer. Take Care. LK


PS: I, too, would be happy to sign the petition. LK

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