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So school was ok....geometry is harder than I thought if there is a geometry on here we should become friends! :hug: This weekend is the oratorical contest, for those who dont know what that is, it's a contest when you write a particular speech on a certain subject. Thie year's topic is My biggest challenge, I'm going with I have never had a challenge that I couldn't overcome so hopefully everything go's a-ok!


Teenage life is harder than I thought it would be. This one girl in school drives me mad :Tantrum: she used to be a close friend of mine but when my best friend broke up with her boyfriend, this girl blames me for it



I wish I could buy my mom a nice present for her birthday but there is no extra green to peel off of the tree. Mom if your reading this you probably are hoping I'll say what I'm going to do for your birthday but your wrong :tongue:


Well off I go.I want to start a chat soon so talk to kids and get back to me


k_2010 a.k.a. [[Kristina]]


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Hi Christina, First - Mom Donna (right?) shut your eyes- This is Christina and me having a little discussion. OK!


I'm sure you know that that gifts come in many forms and not all cost green. In fact, I think you do. There are always i.o.u notes for different "chores"; there are special dinners you can plan and make; If you do crafts, there are items such as collage pictures from old magazines or even made from the postage stamps that come in the mail.


Of course, the greatest gift you give to your mother daily and that is being you. She is very fortunate to have such a thoughtful child (just a term).


I hope you'll share what you did do after Mom's birthday.


As for so called friends - well she has nothing in her life of any importance so she has to manufacture stuff. That kind of a person isn't and probably wasn't ever a true friend. I call people like that acquaintances.


Good luck in all your try-outs. I think participating is great.


Does you school have a social studies Fair? In a week, I am again going to be a judge at the one being held in this county. I hope I am given performance (little skits with the same theme written and performed by 3 -4 students. Much better than judging displays, many of which have help from their parents. It's held in a different high school each year and I'm excited to be going to a new high school which was very expensive to build and is just magnificent. It must be great to be a student there.


Well, guess it's homework time for me. I promised an article and guess I better finish it.

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hey Kristina:


can I suggest topic for your speech, how would you handle when roles are reversed in household after stroke, I know you did not dwell on it, just did your part to get household goin, but it has to be tough job, and you are one tough girl just like yor mom, BTW you also look like your mom.


I like your chat idea can I be fly on wall to listen in, I told yor mom AshaAunty would love to know all the gossip. I think I need to grow up.





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Hi Kristin,


I read your first blog entry which was good and from that and this entry you sound very level headed and on the right track.


Your topic "I have never had a challenge I haven't been able to overcome" shows that you are a survivor, and will find the best in any situation.


The friend who blames you sounds like she looks for the worst in everything, if that is true perhaps that is why you are being driven mad, it's an attitude you wouldn't choose.


Keep writing and being you.


Kind regards,


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Hi there my sweet kiddo :hug: :hug:


I failed to officially and publicly welcome you to the blog world with your 1st entry - bad Mom :BashHead:


I'm proud of you and appreciative of all you do for me and your "4-legged sisters" even if I don't remember to verbalize a :thankyou: each time. If it weren't for you helping and caring for me, I'd have to be in a facility as there are things I can not accomplish on my own (though I try and make a mess - oops).


You are my light, my love, my everything!!! You're still my miracle-baby although you're taller than me! :wub2:

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