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Death in Family...



Well, as they say, March is the cruelest month. Today , just a little bit earlier this evening, my much beloved father-law passed away from a heart attack. My husband will not have fond memories of this time of the month as my stroke occurred last year around this same time (Friday is the exact day). Do not know any details yet - am only writing this now because Daniel(hubby) just called and this Board and all of you are my closest familyand friends so I'm letting you know. All the kind souls here are the everlasting light in the seemingly continuous tunnel of darkness :badmood: that seems to continually hover over my family... Shoo black cloud, shoo! Can I ask a favor?



Everybody take a big breath and help me blow this cloud away :wish: , say a prayer for lightness, healing and comfort for my DH - he and his Dad are best friends, they would talk everyday. Daren is very well known - he used to be a politician in these parts - and a good one! Everybody loves him. I am honored to be his daughter-in-law. I can't believe he's gone, he was such a good person, but now he'll be in heaven with his Marie. Daniel's Mom - she died of a stroke a few years ago. Och - ok - hurt is starting to set in, gotta go. Talk you all later.


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Aaaaaaaaahhh, blowinggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg!!!



There's isn't much to say that will help right now, so catch this hug.






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aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhwhhhheeeeewwwwwwwwwwwww - I hope enough gets your way to get rid of all the nasty stuff around you.


You will all make it through this just as you did when you experienced your stroke.

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We love you Mel sending loads of warm thoughts, and loving hugs to you and your family.


You will keep him close in your heart with loving thoughts and happy memories.

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So sorry to hear of your father inlaw's passing... It is always a very sad time when our loved leaves us.Please know that I share in your sorrow and extend my sympathies.. I just lost my dear mother inlaw a month ago and know how difficult a time it was.. We were with her when she passed it was very peaceful and touching.She was going to be 94 in early April of this year. She had a long and happy life enjoying all her grandchildren and great grandchildren with all their many entertaining moments and sometimes doing things she didn't approve of.. For her memorial luncheon one fo her great granddaughters played a tune on the violin and dedicated it to her, Saying " This one's for you granny". This brought tears to a lot of eyes as she is a very accomplished player for her age as she just turned 11..

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I am very sorry to hear of you and your husbands loss. Hugs to you both!


Now, as for that cloud...






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Dear Mel--I am so very sorry for your loss. It is so hard, I know.


When I was young, my family and I were out sailing in Duxbury Sound. When you sail up there, you must sail w/ the tide. Because if you don't have water, you can't move the sailboat, no matter what you do.


We had sailed to an island for a family picnic and we all were having such a great time, my parents forgot about the tide. Suddenly, my mother realized the tide was moving out. She gathered up the kids, my Dad gathered up the remnants of the picnic and we raised sail to return.


Don't you know, the wind died down. I can only imagine how my parents felt w/ (4) young kids aboard. I started to whimper and of course, that really helped things along. My mother suggested I whistle. If I whistled, a wind would come up, it was an old sailors' tale. I had recently learned to whistle and I was very proud of this new trick. So I whistled fiercely (it certainly kept me from whining!). A wind did pick up and we made record time back to the house and only had to walk through a little muck to get to the beach and the house.


Later on in life, this tale followed me as everytime the wind died down during a race, my mother and our sailor friends would beg me to whistle up a wind. This was a joke but it seemed everytime I did it, a squall would come up. There was the Fall Fling and the July Jubilee...and then there was the North Americans.


When the North Americans were held in Oxford, quite an event, all the kids were kept out of school by their parents so they could join in the festivities. I was about one of (5) or so kids who were made to go to school. The school had us all go to the Library and sit for the whole day.


In the afternoon, apparently the wind died. My mother caught a tender back to land and drove to the school. She went to the office and said she had to see her daughter. The secretary said that would not happen. My Mom told her it was very important so the secretary allowed as she could send a note to me.


I received the note in the Library where we were all suppose to be quiet. I read the note and guffawed out loud. The librarian, knowing she caught me doing something bad, told me I had to share the information w/ all the kids. So, I read the note, "Dear Lucy, Please whistle! Love, Mom" Then I had to explain the whole story. Afterwards, everyone said, whistle, whistle and so I did. That day, I broke (6) masts, (5) booms and numerous sails were ripped. I was the hero, sort of but I was told never to do that again.


But for you, Mel, I am whistling up a wind and the black clouds will blow away. Take Care. LK

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Thank you all so much for your kind thoughts, prayers and wishes. I've printed them off for my husband who stared at me incredulously when I handed him the stack!

Many, many Thanks!

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