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The Kiwi Bird.


I want to thank the people who have welcomed me to the Bloging world..We went to Duluth yesterday and George had more OT. It is nice as we have lunch beforehand. I also Bought two new pairs of Nursing shoes. They are the walking athletic shoes one with a heal,one without. As I am on my feet for 12hrs at a time,my shoes are important. The therapy went well and the strength in George's left hand is improving. Yipee. For me it is very pleasing to see his progress and I am full of encouragment.


I was asked by someone on the blog if George is like Tim the tool man Taylor. Well yes he is but the difference is that when George does something the project always works,nothing blows up and the gadget works like it is suppose to. It helps to have a handyman in the house. The tasks take longer now and I have to help him but we get the job done.


This weekend I am working Fri, Sat, Sun Nights 7pm-7am. As we still have snow on Lutsen Mtn we most likely will have ski accidents from the field. Then there is the chestpains,pneumonia, flu, and the occassional Babe delivered etc as well as the inpatients,so we are kept busy. It means I have to sleep during the day. This is ok as George does his Blogging, excersises, eating, reading and talking on the phone.


Today is beautiful, sunny and 44 deg F. In fact I have just fed the birds, walked the dog and opened up our front door plus the screens on the storm door. The fresh air is streaming through and the sun beaming in. So cool. Yeh the start of Spring is here.


George is doing his Saeboflex excersises with puff balls supplied and we are listening to some delightful soft music. The birds are singing, sun shinning and the air smells so good. Life is good to us. We Try to dwell on the positive as you can tell.Some days it is not easy but we regroup when the going gets tough, take a deep breath, and then move on.


I would like to post a little smilie on this but have not figured out how to do it and George has not got off his lazy butt to help me out,Ha Ha He is too busy with Rehab. Can anyone help me how to do it.?????


We saw some interesting foot prints in the snow this am took pictures and we think it may have been a Canadian Lynx on the land. Not sure and we are having a Biologist friend coming over to look.


Well must away and prepare lunch before I catch a nap.

Kia Ora for today from Lesley,The Kiwi Bird.






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Guest lwisman


Adding smilies is easy. See the list on the left when you are typing in your post. Just click the smiley you want and it will be inserted where your cursor was when you clicked.


Good Luck. :big_grin:

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In addition to the little box to your left as you're typing...at the bottom of that little box you'll see "show all". Click on that and another window opens up with the full collection of strokenet emoticons.


Hope your shifts are not overly eventful. A steady flow of mild cases would help pass the time but not wear you out.


It's nice that George is a "true" handyman with you lending a "helping" hand. When the going gets tough, the tough get going.


I'm enjoying your blogging abilities as well. You keep in mind, if George wants to be "lazy" ;) and not help you - jusk ask - we'll all help you - anytime (So there George)lol

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Hi Lesley, how terrific to see the familiar Kia Ora, I also am originally from NZ (Christchurch) now living in the Snowy Mountains Australia, you are a long way from Home but I read your profile & you have had an amazing life, you sound as though you have it all together . I wish you & George the best of Luck & welcome to the Blogging it is a wonderful site & thanks for giving me a little piece of nostalgia.

Kia Ora, Anne.

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I think George and yourself have great attitudes. I agree there is nothing like a sunny mild early spring day. Pre stroke I never took the time to enjoy the simple things in life, post stroke I've learned how and enjoy alot more out of life these days.

Hope your shoes break in easy and are comfortable.


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