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coffee & the concert



Today I ordered some raw coffee beans to try roasting myself :big_grin: . I plan on using the oven and it will be an experience, and smoky I'm told....


I'm excited about trying it. I'm in search of the perfect cup of coffee. I didn't become much of a coffee drinker until after my stroke-I use to make a noon pot of coffee just to stay awake until 8:00 p.m. Now I only make a half pot of coffee in the a.m.


My daughter and I have a big weekend this weekend. The end of school today will start her spring break and Sunday we are going to the Evanescence concert. :cheer: I love Amy Lee!! Native Arkansan too. That reminds me I need to get ear plugs for us tomorrow.


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Guest lwisman


I will be interested in hearing how your project with raw coffee beans turns out.


We always buy beans, but the kind that are already toasted. Grinding beans yourself is certainly a step above buying ground coffee.

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Hope you have a good time at the concert!


Once you get your beans roasted, ground, and brewed, we'll have to come visit and have a cup of java.

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