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Something to think about..



Well today is another day and it is weird. I am still trying to be positive but I have faltered a little bit because I had a negative thought and I just moved it from my mind.


Sometimes this feels like a dream and I can


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Good for you Amy... you are challenging yourself, thinking of things.


I am also one that it takes awhile when things change.. It usually comes out right in the end, and often times it is better.... but I kind of have to ease into the change and accept it on my own terms...


Many things we can change if we really want to. Sometimes thinking about it is the FIRST step in that change.


Some things are in our control, but as you say many things are not.


"Change the things I can, Accept the things I can't and the Wisdom to know the difference"



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Hi Amy,

I hate change too, but I have a strong belief in fate and that equals there is nothing I can do about it, so must accept.


When it comes to one asked for one, it was fate, we didn't say, ok I'll have one, but I want it to be this kind or that kind, It just happens, that's fate.


In the end, we can only accept. If not, we're wasting precious time and energy.





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I agree with phyllis, sometime bad things just happens, you need to accept those and not ruin your present by thinking and sulking on what we lost, but grab today that's what we have, enjoy it today bcause tomorrow even this day will be gone.


as I said in my blog, we all have destiny, and only control we have is how we react to situation. I have seen that element growing in you since you started blogging here.




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Dear Amy--I hope I am not eavesdropping into the conversation you are having with yourself . I like the way you are thinking to yourself and striving to think and act positively. As you work on that, you will see life is easier to live. Negative feelings make you feel like you are at the bottom of the barrel. I don't know about you but I hate to defy gravity and work towards getting back at the top of the barrel. (LOL)


I, too, find I don't like change. But if its the only way to move forward and improve, I make myself do it and adjust. Besides, going up to see friends will make me happier than sitting around in my living room. I like being uptodate on the news but there is only so much of it I can take.


Keep up the positive. Its healthy. Take Care. LK

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Amy, the next blog I do will hopefully give you some help in this area. You are right on target with your challenges to yourself. You maybe should write the blog for me. We will talk about change and what to concern ourselves with and what not to soon. Keep up the good work challenging yourself. "Mind cleaning" is very difficult, but essential to long term happiness. Keep on keepin' on, you're doing better even if you don't think so.

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