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2nd Year Anniversary



Well, I made it to 2 years post stroke today. I've lost alot in the last 2 years but that's life. I went from a house, career, new truck, trailer (cottage), marriage etc... and now I live in an apartment, no career, no trailer, no marriage, no house, have a car now but not my truck. :(


I still don't think i've still acceptted the accident. Maybe it's because of my age or what i've lost (I know allot have lost). I'm trying to be happier as I now i'm doing most off things alone now. That makes me stronger. I know i've come so far since my accident but I still have more to go. Well, tomorrow is a new day. :party:


Now, i'm off to do dental work but I don't understand why I picked today for that!!! :Dr_Evil:



Be safe to all and keep smiling :blush:


Bill :beer:


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hey Bill:


Happy 2nd anniversary, yes you lost a lot, but look how far you have come and that to by your own strength, your own apartment, your own car, managing your health and appointments. I truely admire your strength, I know I would have not been able to handle it all by myself, the day I started setting up my doctor's appointments were the proud day for me, and I don't have speech problems. you are truly inspiration to all nnewbies and oldies alike



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Congratulations are definitely in order for the 2 yearanniversary. I too feel it's important to focus on what you have right now. Granted, things are different than from pre. But you ARE here, you ARE a survivor, and you WILL have MANY more to celebrate. And, you have a vehicle that you and your lovable-looking sidekick can cruise in.

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Dear Bill--I'm jumping up and down for all you have been able to accomplish. You have a lot of achievements under your belt and you will continue to accomplish more. You have a long life ahead and many opportunities. With your steady "sidekick," Bud, by your side, you all will conquer much. Congratulations!!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: Take Care. LK
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Congrats Bill..... on your progress and attitude.


You are a GREAT inspiration to many. And unconditional LOVE from Bud.



Best Wishes and (((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))

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Hi Bill, I've been trying to read a post of youts, but have not been able to get it; my computer probably has a stroke.



Two years is wonderful; before you know it, it will be three.



I'm going to send you a PM. I knoe several web sites for sphasia and I think there are some that may interest you.



Hugs to you and mucho smooches from my little Mexican - (well, some relative was born there; she was born in Lakeland, Florida) to both you and Bud.



I like the picture- isn't it new. Can see Bud better.





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Happy 2 years of recovery!Yes, you lost alot in the past 2 years and you've gained independence! You're doing great in how far you've come.You inspire me and I admire you in your determination to recover. :friends:


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Bill congratulations on your 2nd anniverasary, as others have said you have lost some but regained your independence. You have been an inspiration to a lot of people and your friendly nature shines through in your posts. I am sure good things are ahead for you.


We have men with aphasia in our stroke support group who have gone on after stroke to form good relationships with new families so I am sure that will be for you one day too.


Keep on keeping on mate.



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LOL Sue, Bud was reading your post :big_grin:


Thank you all for everything. I'm not looking behind what i've lost but NOW being redding for the future. It's only about a week or so that i'm feeling abit happier. Maybe it's from my new independents (my car) to joining the aphasia group. (as well the strokenet hear for me in for over a year).


Thanks to all, I think Bud wants a beer now!! :beer:




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Hi Budweiser,

Ill be 2 yr survivor this June 07.Sorry to hear about all your losses,but just be thankful your alive thats all that counts.

Take care Kelly a.k.a. Shakeyleg :big_grin:

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