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I used to live in big bad south Florida. I was never touched by fraud there, but here in quiet Daytona Beach, I had the shock of all shocks.


I don't carry a purse to work because of the work I do and keep a credit card in the bottom of my deep pocket. When I came home Thursday, the last thing I had charged was some groceries in Albertson's. I emptied out my pockets as always, piling everything in a small plastic box I have.


Friday was movie day at the library and since my sister was driving this week, I just put the usual in my pockets. When the movie was over, I went to the restroom and then on the way home to CVS Pharmacy. I had gone into my pockets for my glasses quite a bit and guess my card had been pulled out of my pocket because when I wanted to take it to but a birthday gift at Barnes and Noble, I couldn't find it. We were in a hurry to judge at the Social Studies fair and I couldn't find my card. I figured that maybe I was my clumsy self and the card had gotten pushed somewhere. My sister used her card when I went for the gift.


Today, I deided to turn everything upside down and find the card, but when I didn't decided to call the credit card company and tell them that I must have lost or misplaced the card. I told her what my last purchase was and I was asked if I had shopped at Sears on the 31st? (Maybe I had forgotten. I said no, I never shop in Sears (don't know why but I worked in every department store in Miami except Sears also) She said well, someone used the card and spent $994.00! A fraud person got on the line and said I wasn't responsible for the amount and they would close the account and issue a new card. I am completely shocked. Not only did the person use the card but had a real party!


Guess I can understand it. The extra stress needed to give me my stroke was because I was so angry that I had to go out in the rain to get my license when I tried to purchase things after work at night. I should have asked the mrg. that had signed me out to ok it, but that was hindsight. When I got here, I was amazed that I wasn;t even asked to a liscense when I wanted to charge. My handwriting was so bad, it didn't even look like the signature on the back and there are places where you don't even have to sign.


Lesson learned. I will be sure that my card is shoved all the way down in the future and check when I use a rest room or do something that would cause the card to fall out and check before I leave a place. Unfortunately, some people can't be trusted. Even if I found something that didn't belong to me, I'd wouldn't use it. It wasn't even for food either which could make some sense but would perhaps be somewhat understandable.


Guess the good old days were better.


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Times have definitely changed, unfortunately. I am glad though that you were able to stop the card without being charged. I generally use my debit card for purchases and in most stores I am required to show photo ID also.

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A small step that will give you a bit of additional security is not to sign the back but print "see photo ID". You will have to carry photo ID that way, but if the cards don't match it helps. Also you can use a card with a photo on it. When I go fishing I just carry a color copy of my drivers license, fishing license and a $20 bill in a water tight container. Might not work in the big city, but works well here in the sticks.


Something else we did when Lesley had her purse stoken a few years ago was to "lock" our credit files after notifing the card companies. The paperwork is a pain in the *** but worth it.


One last thing: when that happened, we had a copy of everything in our wallets in our safe. Sure made it easier to get a new license and cards.

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Hey Phyl


This event reminded me of something that my Aunts and sisters would have probably jokingly said when i was a kid,.. "Next time keep your cards and money in your Indian purse"..LOL I hope you can probably guess where that is??




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maybe you can get a plastic holder with a clip or pin and pin it in your pocket. Glad it was only one card and that you are not responsible for the "thief"


My car got broken into twice, the first time they took the radio w Cd player and my CD's.. really ransacked the car. they hit 3 cars in the lot.


I get really "furious" over acts like this.. and someone using your card..



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I think I've probably moved back into a cave. After my stroke, my credit card company put the debt I owed them on hold as I had bought that convenience. However, what they don't tell you is they raise their interest up to 30%. After watching Chris Hanson on Dateline about credit card fraud, I don't think I will get another credit card. Also, credit card companies will now raise your interest rate if you are late paying bills to other accounts that have nothing to do w/ them. I know, if you pay your bills ont time, you have nothing to worry about but I think this is just wrong. There are just too many ways credit card companies can "getcha."


Thieves take your card or they just get your number and security # and sell that--and the magnetic masking? that's gold to them. People buy things on-line w/ just the number and sometimes are required to provide the security #. When you buy on-line you are not required to provide a signature and a photo ID doesn't work in this scenario. This type of theft is rampant and costs the consumer billions of dollars a year.


Finally, when I was general manger, I reconciled the credit card accounts for the front desk. The round up of figures makes an unbelieveable profit to the credit card companies. So, the advertisments for the credit card company that rounds up your purchases and places the change into your savings account? Believe me, they are making bookos of money off you on the round up figures from the interest rate and the interest rate on the change they so nicely place in your savings account.


Take Care. LK

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