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I am very disappointed to report that I am sending my Neuromove back tomorrow. I have tried it out several times to improve my dorsiflexion of my ankle, without success. I even tried my hand and wrist even though I don't need stimulation there anymore, just so I could render a complete report to you. No success at all. The theory of the machine is great, and I am sure in the hands of a trained OT/PT that could find the proper trigger points for the electrodes it will work wonderfully. I moved the electrodes all over my leg, called the company rep for guidance, all without result. I now conclude that most stroke victims would have a difficult time placing the electrodes at home without professional instruction. The printed instructions and DVD that come with it are poor to say the least, in my opinion. The telephone support is first rate, however, it conflicts with the enclosed instructions. In the end, you can only do so much over the phone.


My bottom line: I would only recommend using the Neuromove or similar device if you have a trained OT/PT available to show you the proper electrode placement the first time. There is no doubt estim works well when properly placed. I tried the Walkaide and was very impressed. The problem is not my muscles. They work. Just can't find the proper electrode placement.


Sorry folks to give such a poor report, but that is what happened. The good news is that I really don't need it anymore anyway. When I ordered it I had a claw for a hand but no longer thanks to Saeboflex. The Walkaide trial seems to have triggered my dorsiflexion to about 75% normal, it has never left me since that day. No longer wear my AFO or use a cane.


I hope this report does not discourage anyone, just makes you cautious. As of tomorrow I am moving the Neuromove to the 93%. (See last post for explanation).


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Dear G3--You are no worse off than you were. It was worth a try and you probably saved someone the trouble of trying this gizmo out (or is this considered a gadget???? heh-heh). Good luck on your progress. Take Care. LK
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Thanks I_Klakring. One of the reasons i started this blog is to be an information resource. Hope what I report here helps someone along the line. I do think that in the right situation it would work well, but At home without training, no chance.

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