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Thoughts and Prayers...



Shauna's grandfather is in the hospital with pneumonia. He's older...91...lived a good long life, but he's in Texas and she's here and I know she's hurting because she wants to be with him. Shauna was severely abused as a child from her mother, father and brother. At one point her mother shoved a loaded pistol in her face. Mom has a mental illness but unfortunately won't get diagnosed, won't take meds and is very narcissistic and manipulative. No one has ever seriously called her to task. Shauna hasn't spoken with them -- except once -- in 22 years. Through therapy and the love of her grandparents, she has survived and become an incredibly strong and successful person who donates her time to work with abused children. Her grandparents saved her soul in so many ways and now that he's sick its hitting her very hard. I try to imagine what she has lived with...what she went through as a child and it is BEYOND my comprehension. She tells me stories and I just shudder at the thought. I know it will be incredibly difficult for her to deal with his death...he means the world to her and is really her only biological family left that she is close with, except her niece (brother's daughter) with whom she is close (the niece does not live with her father, thankfully, but has experienced similar abuse as Shauna experienced). When he goes, I know she will feel very alone.


I don't think this is the end for him but at 91,'s close. I hope I can be a support and comfort for her as she goes through this experience...


If you have a spare prayer or thought, please send it his way!!


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Oh dear child--I have a pocketful of prayers for you both. I can only use them on you as they all have your name on them. Take Care. LK
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Thanks Anna...your and others prayers were well answered as the good news is he may likely get discharged tomorrow and says he is feeling MUCH better! Shauna is relieved...!!


Thanks everyone!

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