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One year anniversary!



It's been a year since I was admitted to the hospital with a stroke. It now seems so long ago. Time flies when you are having fun, or so they say. It has been a difficult year, no doubt, but one with new challenges to conquer and opportunities to grow. That is what made this last year special. You might say to yourself; special? Yes. In many ways this last year has been special.


First of all, though the stroke is not something I would wish on anyone, it afforded me time to stop and smell the roses. What is important to me now is much different than what it was a year ago.


Training my mind to face my fear of the future was a daunting task at first, as I'm sure it is with most survivors. My faith in God was tested, and the victory won. I certainly would have not made it through without Him. In part, it was to get my focus off myself and my woes, and place my trust in Him. In doing so, I see the future much brighter today than a year ago. Faith in the future made me realize there is much more than the here and now.


Developing my left side for the things I used to do with my once dominant right side, was/is a little trickier, and I am still learning how to tackle some things. I have learned to write left handed, and certainly my left side muscles have gotten stronger. Learning little tricks to make life easier using just one side has been a joy and a struggle, but overall, I can accomplish much what a two handed person can do with one hand. There are many great gadgets out there for the hemiplegic person. I have used those resources to help me. One is the left footed accelerator for my car. Though I drive very little, I can get to places if needed. I have a large two door sedan. It wasn't my first choice of vehicles, but I am glad I have it now. It has large doors, and that makes it easier to get in and out of.


This last year brought me several new friends; friends I would not have made had life gone on as normal. Some of these people I cherish so much today, as they have become my closest of friends. I can't imagine living life without them now. A little twist of fate, and presto, a kindred spirit comes into my life.


Last summer I was feeling well enough to travel a bit. I made several trips to Lake Tahoe. It is such a beautiful place. I really enjoy the mountains and the rustic scenery. Around the lake, there are enough things to do and places to eat. It is a bit of a tourist trap, but if you know where to go, you can find some good deals. I also made two trips to Minnesota to visit friends. I hadn't been there since I was a kid, and thoroughly enjoyed all the lakes and farm country. We had a chance to go "Up North" as it is called there, to Lake Superior, where the trees were just starting to change into their fall colors. Of course, it was nice to reminisce with my Minnesota friends about the past and what is currently going on in our lives.


While home, I found ways to keep occupied. I started an on line Internet radio station, gaining new skills in several computer languages while doing so. I have made new acquaintances through this particular venture, and have had much fun in getting this going. I love music, and was an announcer for several years in my early 20's living in Montana. I have found that I missed that part of my life a lot, so returning to it now, in the digital age of today, has helped me recapture the joy of it again.


Certainly, not to be left out, was the find of a lifetime. Getting the answers to some tough questions about stroke, was hard to drag out of my doctors. StrokeNet filled that void. I learned more in one day on the boards, than all my hospital stays and doctor and therapy visits combined. The information here was practical, which is what I needed. The support of caregivers and survivors was a godsend. I have made some fabulous friends on StrokeNet. Then, being asked to go on staff here was so unexpected, but I couldn't wait to jump at the chance to volunteer. Giving back to this community is what it's all about now. To help others is a wonderful feeling.


This past year has been special, and I know that now. It makes me wonder what the next year will bring.






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Happy first anniversary, you are great survivor, loved your way of looking at your first year post stroke, it took me 3 years to look at my stroke that way.


I am sure your coming years will keep getting better.

I sometime feel so hored to be on these wonderful site and opportunity to meet great people like you.



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Guest lwisman


Congratulation on your anniversary Bob. And here's to many more!!


Thanks for your reflection. You have a great attitude. As you have already discovered that is the key to recovery.

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Great insight and reflection into the new you. Just think what the future has in store for you through your faith and positive outlook. It's a honor to be a staff member with you.

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Time is such a funny thing, isn't it? When we look ahead we can't imagine ourselves in the future - especially when we experience a life-changing event. Stroke is certainly one of those events. When we look back we can't believe where the time has gone.


I remember when you first came to Stroke Net with the questions many raise. As you said, questions your doctors didn't seem to know how to answer - or to want to answer. I think sometimes it's a legal thing!


I'm glad you are here and I've enjoyed your perspective and determination. It took Bill and me two years to really begin travelling again. Mostly out of my fear I think, but some out of him not being interested in going anyplace. Now we've made the leap and he's ready to go again! It is fun to get away and enjoy a change in our usual routine.


Thanks for all you do here, and best wishes for many more years of sharing your life with others!!


Warm wishes,

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HI and a Warm Congrats on your first year. Yiou have made great strides, have such a warm, wonderful attitude.


We are lucky you found us and you are a great addition to our site and staff, Thanks for sharing



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