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Easter Weekend



4 of our closest friends and Greg and I went into the mountains for Easter weekend. The scenery is absolutely stunning up there, but boy, was it cold!!! I sat under the blanket by the fire reading my book with a glass of red wine for most of the time whilst the boys were out fly fishing. But, I did get off my behind long enough to go horse riding!!! Yes folks - HORSE RIDING. Now, this was a huge deal for me as I have NEVER ridden a horse before let alone after having a stroke!!! So, Greg drags me up to the stables, has a chat with the groomsman and off we go!!!! It wasn't a very elegant ascent onto the horse, but once I was up there holding on for dear life, I was OK!! My horse was the oldest they had, so I was quite confident she wouldn't take off at a high speed and she didn't, she was super. We clip clopped our way over a mountain trail for 2 hours - it was fantastic. But, when I got off the horse, my legs didn't want to work - they were like jelly!!!! It was a fantastic weekend.


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that so great you are still venturing out into new fun things even after your stroke


I get inspired to do more reading your blogs




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Congrats on your successful adventure. I love horses buy never had opportunity to ride one. Rode a donkey once hehe - does that count?? :rolleyes: (Of course he bit me afterwards)

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I love horses and got the opportunity to walk through the stables and grounds of Spruce Meadows in Alberta. It is a equestrain area where they hold world jumping competitions.. I found it very peaceful. . Probably the best therapy for some one who wants to destress..We had the RCMP musical ride in our town and the men and their horses were being stabled just down the road so got to pet the horses and see how they relate to their riders.. very intelligent and beautiful.. The guys are quite handsome too.. I have ridden a few times, like to gallop, but it is scarry at first.. have to get the hang of it..I don't to like to trot.. That is great that you did that, Keep on truckin and you will see how it will help you improve.. think positive and you will get there just believe in yourself as I can see you have excellent support..












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How great you are trying new experiences. We should all do that. When I was growing up, I used to ride at a stables a couple of towns away from us. Later, when I grew up, the place turned into 5 star bed and breakfast and I ended up working there. It was a great experience. As Deenie says, "Keep on Truckin'" Take Care. LK
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