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Winter is Coming



Well Winter is on its way, the trees are shedding their leaves fast now & the fire is going every night! It is so pretty here at the moment though, the poplars are pure gold & there is a huge diversity of colours all around town from gold to deep red & in between.

Baz loves it & when we go on a trip marvels at the scenery much more than he did before the stroke,I felt so sad the other day though when we went down town , he wanted to stay in the car as he was tired but I noticed that he had got out as he was too warm & was standing under the verandah of the shops, he was quite content to stand there as I finished the shopping , when I came back he was looking hopeful at people he knew as they went by but no-one had spoken to him & he couldn't understand why, he said "They don't want to talk to me", I explained that they were ignorant about strokes & felt embarassed so would rather not talk as they didn't know any better, I felt so sorry for him & thank God for our true friends who don't treat him any different than they did pre-stroke.

No wonder he prefers to stay at home, I don't blame him but wish people were more educated about strokes & other disabilities as they are missing so much out of life by avoiding people that are different!!


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Ann, you and Baz have to be Stroke Ambassadors. Find out how you can get some media space: newspaper interview, radio, even television. Our WAGS group, about 30 in number, has a couple of guys who have really pushed to get the signs of a stroke out there. One has his face on the back of a couple of buses. He joked today that people come up to him and say :"I know you, don't I?" when they don't as they see his face on posters in their doctors surgery etc. Another is going to be interviewed on television for the connection between smoking and stroke as he believes smoking was the cause of his brain bleed.


After stroke a lot of so called friends disappear. A few stick with us, and if we continue to be "out there" we make some more. Ray is stopped (and sometimes kissed!) in our shopping centre by older ladies who are helpers at his Daycare or who volunteer in Camp Breakaway where he goes twice a year. We are also greeted by members of our Lions Club, our church group and old neighbours. I think because Ray is in a wheelchair he is actually more noticeable, not less!


You and Baz will have to find your own way of getting people to identify with him, as a survivor rather than a victim of stroke. I do promote Ray as a person who has fought back from the edge, for instance he has relearned to walk three times now. Survivors are seen as strong and worthwhile people. Of course I guess that differs from place to place too.


Don't leave them ignorant of strokes, teach them about how to give people like Baz and Ray the respect they deserve.



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It is so sad how ignorant people are towards those of us who are "different". I'm sure though that's that way with all disabilities, not just stroke. Yhank goodness though, that with modern medicine, there are more of us able to be out in the world and not the alternative. We can live life, just differently.

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