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Sorry I haven't wrote in a while but I've been swamped. Luckily for all you who love to know a teenagers perspective of her life, this one is stuffed!


The best news I have is I made my school talent show, I'm singing "Hero" by Mariah Carey, and I'm uber excited. Lets see, what else. Oh ya my dumb phone broke only half of the buttons work and it's just stupid!


My ex best friend is driving me :angry2: she is always there and I'm sick of seeing her all the time. We were best friends for six years and once I made the cheerleading squad we stopped talking as much and then one day she said, "You've changed, your not the same person" Well DUHH everyone changes hopefully for the better, like me!


I'm reading The Great Expectations in English if any of you have read it any imput would be nice ;) I actually get how it is good for your character!


For aunty asha lol!!! no new crushes or anything....guys right now are really immature and I dont feel like putting up with them. Plus, they dont like chubby, brainy girls so I'm a little out of luck <_<


Hopefully this fills all of you in so far in my life and I promise I'll start writing more often!




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congratulations for being selected in talent show, you are one talented girl. and Aunty Asha who is from India is so happy that you find all guys immature, wish you were my daughter, so don't do any hanky panky till you get married okay? right now is time to excel in school and studies, rest will all follow, what are your future plans? my son is 10 yr old, so I am trying to get train with you on dealing with teenager issues, so educate me okay.


sorry haven't read that book, but will put hold on it now that you want reviews from us.


yours Ashaaunty




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Way to Go.. one of my favorite songs. :)


Don't worry about boys right now.. most only are thinking of "certain" things.. Your brains will get you much farther.. ;) and your brains will be appreciated by that special someone later.

I wish I had been as "smart" boy wise when I was your age!!!


I did read Great Expectations , but ummm, I will have to look it up

again to make any comments.. LOL


Mom says you want to be a Vet.. I should have gone that way... I LOVE animals. I did end up in the medical field for most of my working years.


Our dogs come to me if they get stung by a bee or a sticker or whatever.. I "doctor" all of them have 6 dogs, a cat, 2 goats, a goose, 4 baby ducks, a chicken and some fish...



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Kristina--I, along w/ the others counsel you to focus on academics at this time in your life. Neither you or the boys have developoed the executive skills in your brain, which is located in the frontal lobe. This is the last area of the brain to finish developing. This means your judgement or the decisions you make as a teenager may not be the best ones to make. That's why you have parents. :nuhuh: :yukyukyuk:


I applaud you for your cheerleading and your talent. You are a very special girl, as I have read your Mom's blog, which is written without prejudice. :big_grin: These are the years to have fun, find out who you are and what kind of person you want to be. With all of that going on, you are a very busy person. :juggle: Enjoy! Take Care. LK


PS: We live vicariously through you. :bungee: :Good-Luck: :You-Rock:

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When is the talent show??? What are you gonna wear? Do you have a tape for back up - come on, we all want more details....


Do you need me to pick your Mom up and bring her so she can come too? If my schedule is open, I would be happy to drive her and cheer you on too!



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Dear Daughter,


I can't wait til the talent show Thursday evening. I will do my best :rolleyes: not to blubber as you are singing "Hero". I am so proud of you for all your accomplishments. :mwah: You are focused on your studies now, which is necessary for future education and employment. You can't "buy" a Vet or Marine Biologist Degree. You Go Girl!! :cheer: :cheer:



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