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maybe its just me, i don't know but i have always been the type of person to listen to others, if they say they are going to do something that involves me in some way. i expect them to follow through with it. i do understand things happen to change their plans, but a phone call would be nice with their apologies. since my stroke 1-5-02, i don't have alot of excitement in my life, so when someone says they are going to come by, or call, etc. that gives me something to look forward to. i get so lonely, since hubby works all day, and my dog has died, she kept me sane during the day, with me being able to talk to her and pet her. i miss her terribly, she was so much company for me, my other pets (dog and 2 cats, sleep most of the day) my case in point is as i stated in my last blog entry that my 2nd mother was in town and was going to stop by, so i really was excited to see her, then boom, no visit or phone call. her daughter is the same way but we have been friends for over 25yrs, so i just accepted the way she was and loved her just the same. she was here for my son's wedding and was to come by the next day before she left town, but she didn't come by, it bothered me alot caused we really havent seen each other for 2yrs. she used to live here then she moved to colo. with her new husband, i can understand that. i talk to her on the phone from time to time, but its not the same, she has been there for me since my stroke.


maybe i shouldn't be complaining, but things like this really upsets me, moreso post stroke, i guess they just don't realize what my days are like. i try to keep busing during the day, i have my routine, but i still get bored and lonely at times. i couldn't or wouldn't do that to anyone else, i do what i say i'm going to do, not to upset people, i always had pride in myself for that and others would comment on it to. i guess alot of us live in an isolated world now. like i said, maybe its just me and probably it is. i just wish people were more in tune to other peoples feelings. i know they have a life too, but just don't say it if your'e not going to do it, my hubby irrates me to in this area. yes i am on meds, but this has always ticked me off, more pronounced now since stroke, go figure. JUST VENTING. thanks for listening.


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I understand how you feel. It's a shame we're on opposiite sides of the Valley. My Crystal (alias dumb dumb cat) and guinea pig Tinkerbell (carrot queen) keep me company during the day while Kiddo is at school. Strokenetwork has been my salvation as it keeps my brain cells challenged. Hope your days go better! :hug:

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Hi Kimmie, totally understand. I get frustrated waiting around.. a phone call just to say sorry i will be late or something has happened, need to change plans.



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Kimmie, sorry to hear you went through this but it seems that stroke loosens the ties of friendship and sadly former friends do stop calling, visiting etc. Hope that is not the case with this lady you have been so close to. The hurt does go away and we do make some new friends too.


(((Hugs)) from Sue.


PS Australia is a long way in miles but I'm just a PM away.

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:( Some people just do not think or put themselves in your place, a shame -

I would write a nice note telling them how you missed their visit, esp. now since you are more alone, would love their company, but would appreciate a phone call ahead of time, so you can plan to put out paper plates in lieu of your fine china, for them

Courtesy is a two-way street

June :oohlala:

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thankyou ladies for your comments, i know it will pass, maybe i am to sensitive. people do need to be in your shoes, after a stroke, to know how you feel. i guess some people just don't have common sense anymore.


thanks again,


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