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getting better



Well here goes,we to see Cardoaligst today and after my health history and alot of talking,he said I should have my p.f.o. closed .So I'm going to ottawa to have this done.I will find out next week when I go.I think having it closed will take away some of my fears and I will be able to relax more.Bonnie,sue,donna,phyllis,lorraine and everybody else in chat thanks for the thoughful words, you people are great as well as all the other here.My family is backing me and they are very supportive.The doctor i seen said that i developed d.v.t. after my knee surgery and it (knee) produced a travelling clot and with my heart problem the clot got through and caused my stroke.I pretty much knew that but hearing from a doctor tells the truth.I must say I'm alittle scared about having it done but the doctor said you are well looked after and not to worry.(how can a person having survived a stroke not worry lol).Well all go for now and say to all thank you and take care.




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Hi Kelly,

Glad to hear you're having your PFO closed. I had one and the procedure gave me a lot of peace of mind. It seemed scary having someone poking around in my heart, but it wasn't that bad. If you've given birth 4 times, a heart catheter is a piece of cake! :big_grin:

Let us all know how you're doing afterward!

Good luck,



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Thanks so much for the update.


There are quite a few posts here on PFO and many have had it repaired.


Everyone I've read are very happy they had it done, and ssaid it was an easy procedure. ( I don't have a PFO) we will all have you close with warm thoughts and prayers.


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hi kelly, i know how one can worry about something like this, i do not have a pfo but i feel it is something you need to do, to ease your fears, i wish you best and a speedy recovery. i am sure they will take good care of you. so care care and let us know how thins go.


kimmie anderson

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So glad you've gotten some answers. I don't have a PFO (as far as I know) but have heard of many successes in the closure process and people are happy they had it done.


You're in my thoughts (((((Hugs))))

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I am big pusher of getting your PFO closed, it's easiest operation in the world, Ifeel so angry sometime that I did not find b4 or else we would have done that procedure first than rather having another stroke, you get discharg from hospital within a day, and will only have bruise mark on your thigh from where catherization is done for few days, that's t, go for it, I am not even going to pray for you, it's simplest procedure of all time.


I did mine after 4 months of my stroke(I waited that long to be mobile).


you can PM me anytime if you have any concerns, though I will insist to you don't have any concerns about it.




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You have the right to be scared out of your mind, but like the others said, if you can give birth, cardiac cath will be a piece of cake!

Try to relax and good luck

June :beer:

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