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MY dad died on Friday, April 27, 2007



My dad was 89 and would have been 90 June 10 of this year. He had been entered into the hospital for pneumonia and had to be transfered to a larger hospital. There he had surgery to remove a pus pocket that was between his lungs and ribcage. He came through that great and was healing very nicely. He, however, developed aspiration pneumonia and didn't have the strength to cough up the mucus. They put a feeding tube in to avoid the aspiration. He didn't want it but agreed to it for our sake(us 'kids'...my brother is 64, sis is 60, and I'm 54). Because he couldn't cough it out, it was decided to take the feeding tube out. He was so weak he couldn't walk six feet. He died a few days after the feeding tube was withdrawn.. not from starvation, but because he wasn't able to get enough oxygen. His O2 level was in mid 50's twodays before he died and he 'rallied' to the mid 80's the day before. The day before he died, my sis and her 2 daughters were in his room 'reminising' on all the good times we had with 'Grandpa'.


My mom died 8 years ago and frankly, I was surprised my dad lived as long as he did following her death. The funeral was today, it really impacts you when you go to the cemetary and see the open hole with the headstone showing my mom's name and dates and my dad's name and birthdate with the death date yet to be engraved.


Anyway, that's what's been happening in my life lately.

My son, who's 22 was one of the pallbearers. He recently moved out of our home and got an apartment of his own. He's getting a big lesson in reality of how money works. Ahhh, to be 22 again myself! I wasted so many years wishing away my life wishing for something better and 'more'. If I could go back in time and give myself some advice, I'd say, "Quit waiting for something else and enjoy what you have today...it'll all be gone soon. And, by the way, beware of January 11, 2001(the day of my stroke)."


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My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Hopefully, the fond memories you have will help you through this time. Your Dad is now with his "Lady" again.


:hug: to you.

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Hi J, Please accept my sympathy to you and your family.


You will always have your parents and many memories to cherish.



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Dear Jean:


My love to you and your family. It is a difficult time for you. I just went through my Stepdads Death. It is not the same as your loss, but I have great empathy for what you are going through.

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hey Janice :


sorry about your loss, at any age loosing loved ones is sad, you will be in my thoughts and prayers, but up there we all goig to meet our loved on again.




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Hi J,


Tears are running down my face reading your post. My Dad passed last October at the age of 91 and like your Dad rallied to have one last visit. I am so sorry you are going through this.


Since Dad passed I have realized that he is with me every day as he taught me how to live my life and everything I do reminds me of him. I find it very calming to know I know what to do because he taught me how to take care of myself.


Take care,


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Janice, My condolences to you and family, I had just made a comment to your post on the message board about enjoying what we have today.

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