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Tippy is here, thoughts on rehab



As I try to type this, Tippy is laying beside me wanting some affection. She has already won our hearts. Our other dog Jasmine, a Bichon, is a bit jealous, but the two of them are starting to get along after a day together.I suspect in a few days they will be fine together. They had a great time playing outside together today.


A few thoughts on the recovery process. Some will not agree with me. What I am going to say may apply only to me. I do not know if my experiences are typical. The severity of the stroke is different for all of us. Insurance coverage, energy levels, age, caregiver status, many other things affect recovery.


None the less, I have come to believe for me at least, there are some truths. One is nothing comes easy. It is all hard work. Two: each provider or therapist you use has their bias and way of doing things they are used to. They can only take you so far. I have gone to some therapists who wanted me to do certain exercises I wound up not doing at that time for various reasons, such as didn't see need, hurt too much, couldn't do exercise effectively, too many exercises to do every day, etc. I now find myself doing some of those same exercises I wouldn't/couldn't do earlier for other therapists. Each therapist can only do for you what they are trained in. There is so much available now no one therapist can know it all. Examples: while in the rehab hospital, the Saeboflex was not offered to me nor was Graston Technique or myofacia release. Yet this is the same hospital I went to for each of these treatments. These treatments have mostly eliminated my muscle spasity, but the doctor that treated me in that hospital told me he had nothing more to offer me for muscle relief other than more pills. Just because they work under the same roof is no guarantee they all know what each one does or can do.


Bottom line: This stroke rehab is a tough deal. It is up to you to manage your own rehab. You must do the research appropriate to your needs. You must be willing to try things not commonly known. Example: the active release I presently go to Canada twice a week for. What may not have worked for you in the past may work for you in the future. I have had such experiences recently. There is no one looking out for your total need except you and your caregiver. I just can't stress enough how true I believe this is. If you are expecting one doctor or therapist to make you better, good luck. It takes a team, and you are the coach.


It is possible my experiences are atypical and my not apply to others. However, having talked to many stroke survivers lead me to believe otherwise.


Well, I must give Tippy her nighttime run before bed now, so away I go.


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Glad Tippy is with her family. Looking forward to seeing pics of her.


With regard to recovery programs. As much as I concur with you that one must be the coach among the team of players, it is rather difficult to do that when the payer of said therapy (insurance) will not approve the sessions saying you have maxed out your benefits and continue to deny appeals filed by myself, my doctor and the rehab team. I wish I had someone to fund therapy for me, I would jump at the opportunity. As a single parent being financially responsible for maintaining a roof over our head, and doing so only receiving SSDI, it is an impossibility at this time.


Thanks to your reporting, as well as the reporting of others, should things change, I know which programs could be beneficial.



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Hi George,


Tippy's Home! I can just imagine how much fun you, Lesley, and Jasmine are going to have this summer watching, teaching and playing. This is the ultimate therapy in my opinion.


George I agree with you on your thoughts on therapy. Especially about timing of when something works for you or not. I also believe you or your caregiver must be in command of your treatment. That has been hard for me to do at times but I am getting better at it.


Tippy's home - can't wait to see pictures.




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