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New fulltime job.



Training Tippy is my new fulltime job. When she is not sleeping, I am busy. She and Jasmine are learning to get along, hopefully pictures attached. Night time is a real challenge. She goes into the crate, protests vigorously for 10 minutes or so, then quiet. Last night I tried to put down pads with attractant scent on them in our bathroom to avoid taking her outside. She woke me up about three hours into my sleep. Into the bathroom we went. She licked my feet and laid down on the pads. Twenty minutes later, I gave up, back into the crate, 10 more minutes of protest, then quiet. No potty. Had I put her on the carpet there would have been a potty for sure. Repeated process at 2AM. Same result. Finally at 530AM I took her out after 7 1/2 hours, potty. So much for her having to go every two hours. Except for night time she does not go into the crate. Our breeder was really against it, and I fear if I tried to force her into the crate all the time, she will come to hate it. Plus, her and Jassie need to learn to get along, so I just watch her very closely all day. Any triggering event ( awakening after sleep, after play time, eating, drinking, etc) we go outside immediately. After two days she now knows her name and the word "come". I know the way to the potty area well. I can only type this because both dogs are asleep at my feet. If they were awake, I would be busy. My stroke rehab has now taken a back seat to Tippy training. I will exercise on the days when Lesley is home. Otherwise, Tippy is my exercise. She is a sweetheart, and lots of fun to have around. More later, time for Tippy to pee pee.


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Even with the added duties, you sound like a proud Papa. That's super Tippy has learned her name as well as "come". As with most of our dear 4-legged family members (lol), who is training whom? At least with a cat, they are easily trained via litterpan - the "boss" let's kiddo know when she wants it changed. Crystal is strictly a house kitty - she wouldn't survive one full day in the outdoors.


Best of luck to your "family".

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Remember praise. Even with my old dog, she is told "good girl" every time. Perhaps a clock in the crate would help. The dog thinks it is her mother's heart. Of course, Tippy does seem to quiet down after a few minutes, but they are sad to listen too. LOL! Who's spoiled here.


Have a great time being the new Papa.



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Morning George,


Tippy is so cute, (Jasmine is a doll too). By the size of Tippy I think Jasmine better make friends pretty quick, as Tippy is going to be bigger than her very soon. I do not envy the night calls but I sure do wish I had a little puppy to play with - everything is new to them and they enjoy everything.


My little girl Gem sleeps in her bed until everyone is asleep and then sneaks up and lays down back to back with me and I find her there every morning. I think it is her way of being able to monitor me through the night while she is asleep as she was with me when I was sick.


Enjoy every moment and laugh at the antics.




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I bet in no time at all Tippy and Jasmine will both be your therapy dogs. so many things you can do with them they think is play but will build you up, plus I bet you are being active just to keep up. Have fun. my Kitty has Sheba 1 of my daughters dogs hoodwinked and she will go get bandit her other dog to chase her back in. Funny thing is Sheba is bigger, but is still just a puppy, she is about year old and a german shepherd. Bandit is a mix and looks like a cross between a hound dog and a beagle, with the saggy skin and larger muzzle, also is just brown and white.

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Hi George,


I expect Tippy has stolen your heart by now and your daily life is packed full of puppy dog love. Waiting for an update on the little girl.


Cheers! Dickons



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