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Hi, I'm WfnShow330...



and it has been 8 months since my last blog. Wow!! Not really, I just haven't had anything to say. I still pop in from time to time and read other people's blogs. I try to keep up to date.


Things are progressing in our household. Lisa is doing very well. She is still getting OT and PT three days a week and loving it. There are little improvements, but I think she has hit her max. She is now two years post-stroke. I hate to say it, but I think we are where we are. And that's O.K. As long as she is happy.


My kids are great. Our son this week bought his first car. Nothing that is going to win an auto show, but reliable. He will be moving to the Twin Cities this fall to return to school. Our daughter is getting ready to be a Senior in high school next year. So, there's cheerleading, band, choir, student government, grad pictures. Alot of running around.


I also dropped a bomb on them. We are looking into moving. With the boy leaving and the girl more than likely leaving the year after, we don't need that big house anymore. I found a beautiful triple-wide that will be more than enough for Lisa and I. The problem is finding a place to put it. I grew up in a trailer so I love it. But, I, as usual, don't get to decide. I has to be huge for Lisa to want to move. I can't get her in it right now so I walked around and videotaped the lay-out. She loved it. It also looks like my mom will be moving in with us to give me some help. She will be retiring in a few months and the two of them get along great. It will be nice for Lisa to have some company during the day.


That's all I can think of right now. I'll try not to be a stranger.




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hey Butch:


welcome back, I am still around and wonder about you guys from time to time, but do think we are all moving forward in living our life with best of our ability with what we got, and making best out of our lemonade. glad your kids are doing great, Lisa is one gutsy lady moving with mother -in-law, I will not move in with my mom even if situation are bad though my mother-in-law was great, & I loved my time with her, my mom is different story.


hope to see you more often around here.




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Welcome back to the blog community!


Lisa may have it a plateau but don't give up. Progress definitely slows down. I am 2 years post. There are little things that do progress for me - nothing functional yet but still reason to celebrate :Clap-Hands: .

It's more than I was able to do right after the stroke.


I can understand the move once kiddos grow up and move on. I still have my daughter at home as she's 14 - thr high school scene is coming this fall.


Best of luck and looking forward to future updates.

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Hi Butch, good to hear from you and the update. I hit my 4 yr mark the end of April. my husband said he has noticed an improvement in my walking over the last yr. ..Lisa may have hit a plateau, but there is always room for improvement and I say "fine tuning" the things I do.


We live in a doube wide on 5 acres. After John's knee surgery and me and the stroke.. I am so glad we are on one floor.


Keep us posted.. Bonnie

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Hey Butch!

I have thought about you and Lisa often, wondering how you two have been. I took it as a good sign that you hadn't blogged in like... F O R E V E R .... and I am glad to hear I was right! (ok, I admit, I LOVE to be right :) )


Anyway, keep giving us updates from time to time, even if you only have time for a few sentences.


Have a good one, and don't be a stranger!


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Hi Butch, yes, it has been a while.


Shame on you for thinking that Lisa has gotten all she is going to get. Just isn't so. There are improvements when you least expect them.


Where to put your double wide? Well, you could opt for a park or on your own piece of land where they are permitted. Just be sure land isn't wetlands! I'm in the middle of that. It is amazing the way these homes have changed in the last several years, isn't it? Cathedral ceilings and all. and best of all, they have wide doors that if necessary a wheelchair can fit through.


Do come around more often and let us know what is happening.........as it is said "Inquiring minds want to know" (A nicer way to say we are noisy. LOL!) :roflmao:

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It's great to get your update. The downsizing sounds like a good step that will work out great for all of you. I know it's hard and a huge decision, but once done you'll be better off...lots less work in a manufactured home. Be sure to video tape your old house inside and out before you move or sell off the furnishings. This will be harder on your almost adult kids than anyone. The films will help when they need to visit the memories of their past.



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