veggie.vampire's Blog

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You may think me mad but as any survivor will tell you they will try virtually anything as they strive to improve. Ross tried a new martial art and raved about his instructor. "Was worth it" he said excitedly, "he will give a few healing sessions to you". I was highly sceptical. Well yesterday was the appointed day for the trial one and a nervous me arrived at training expecting no results, how could he help if he never touched me? I met everyone, two were more senior and helped take the training. One poor chap with learning difficulties asked if I was joining them! The first activity was how to fall on a mat, guess I could fall pretty well but defending myself from an imagined assailant was comical. Somehow I kept a straight face as Ross told this chap that with my wheelchair I'd simply aim at any assailant!

As they trained with a senior I met the lovely instructor. He worked above the carotid where my clot was and I expected nothing. I relaxed when told to and amazingly my right (weak) foot and right shoulder tingled. Couldn't have taken more than 10 minutes during which he announced I'd need several (free) sessions. Still sceptical even though my shoulder felt warm by the end.

Imagine my surprise going to bed and seeing my right foot no longer at the strange splayed angle it was at for 2 years and the swelling going. Still, it wouldn't last by morning? Well I've agreed to further free sessions, how can I lose? Tonight I'm very excited, don't understand but don't care, both Ross and I see the results. My foot stayed as good, better in a way, more swelling gone. It's warmer than usual too though there isn't really more movement there. I moved and relaxed a muscle I've never even felt since the stroke but can now. Best is breath, I have much more. Speech isn't far short of with my speaking device but it isn't in! I cried with happiness on saying "thank you" rather than "than' you" as usual as I run short on breath. I've called a son into the room yelling his name (he heard) and managed several short clear 4 or 5 word sentences rather than the old 1 word per breath, it is marked not imagined.

Really stopping my walking and standing unaided is this silly ankle which is definitely being sorted out now. Just need the heel down, I don't want much do I?

So it is one thrilled Diane who must sign off now and sleep.


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I am sooooo impressed, and glad for the improvement, :cheer: :Clap-Hands: :hug: :laughbounce: :bouncing_off_wall:

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