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The news of the day is very bad indeed. We have a raging forest fire north of us. Over 55,000 acres have burnt so far, many homes, cabins. and resorts gone. We have friends that have had to evacuate and may not have a house to return to. The fire is about 20 miles from us at present. We have packed both cars for quick evacuation if needed. Last night I video'ed the entire house and contents. We had ash all over the property. Thankfully the winds died down, and the immediate threat seems to have subsided.


The fire has been overshadowing everything else around here. Our little county will not be the same in my lifetime. Some outfitters and resorts will not survive. Even when the fire is out, customers will not come to cabins surrounded by burned forest. We are a tourist town that will be very hard hit by this. Very, very sad. All started apparently by an unattended campfire.


On a brighter topic, Tippy is becoming more settled everyday. She now sleeps most of the night without crying or needing to go out. She will be a great dog for us. We are learning the signs and times for a quick trip outdoors. She and our Bichon Jasmine now play together without problems.


In the next week I will report on my progress, much to report, but today just isn't the day for it.


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My thoughts and prayers are with you guys for your safety as well as your home remaining untouched.


Glad though that Tippy is adjusting well and she and Jasmine are adjusting to each other.


Be Safe.

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We are having forrest fires too but in this immediate area, not too close but with high winds that we had been having, it can even cross the river/ intercoastal (embers flying)


Glad you are safe and prepared in case you must leave. Truthfully though, I don't think that things will definitely be so bad to scare tourists. There were fires here several years ago and it didn't take very long for the green to grow up again and in South Florida when we had Andrew and other hurricanes, it gets cleaned up and it all goes back to as it was. Look, even New Orleans is slowly making a comeback.


Glad Tippy is doing so well. I'm sure you packed an emergency for the pooches as well.


Will have my fingers crossed for you along with more serious prayers.

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I can't imagine how you must feel, Wednesday the house behind us burned down, and since we are out in the country we were afraid it would spread thru the trees or brush and we were all spooked by it :console: . you will be in my thoughts and prayers.

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I am so sorry to hear this news, the stress must be overwhelming. Glad you are taking all precautions so life and precious items are protected.


Please keep us apprised as well as the others in this community impacted by fire. We are preparing for major spring flooding here - I wish I could direct it your way.


Really glad to hear that Tippy is settling in and winning all hearts.


Kind regards,


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So sorry to hear of the fires, Glad you have taken safety precautions and ready for a quick exit.. Sincerely hoping there will be no need.


Glad to hear Tippy is settling in and Jasmine is accepting her.



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I don't understand people who go away from a campfire!! Even worse are the ones who start fires like this on purpose. You take care and know that the rest of the nation and your friends here cares....



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