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Still trying to walk unassisted

Aussie Ken


Hi everyybody, well it hasn't happened yet but i know it's not too far away that i will be walking unassisted. whilst doing my daily stands i have been doing some other exersises to get more flexability in my knee, various balance exercises etc.

It's been so frustrating being stuck in this wheelchair, especially after being so active all my life.

Some really great news is that my heart echo test i had the other week once again was clear and that no new blockages have occured, the blood test were also good and my diabetes is well under control.

The foot drop is stiil causing me concern as when i'm walking i'm getting great heal strike most of the time but then suddenly it kicks in and i can't get the heal strike.

Last week week i had my brother in law visiting from New Zealand and it's given me more incentive to get mobile again and return to New Zealand and visit my mother in law and all of my wifes family.



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Thanks for the update. Good medical reporting. I'm sure you will be walking unassisted and doing everything you want to do very soon.

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Ken, you just keep at it and I am sure in the end you will do it. The trip to New Zealand should work as a good incentive . How about booking four or five months ahead and making that your goal date? It is amazing how much harder you work if there is a good reason.


An old friend who had had a stroke worked hard so she could stand up for a wedding photo with our daughter. She was pushed in in a wheelchair but when the time came for the photo she stood all alone.


So think of walking into the house in New Zealand and surprising all the family gathered there to see you. It would be a mighty good feeling.



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Keep working on walking, it's bound to reach you, you are trying very hard. In my case, I think the cane will be with me for a long time to come.

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keep on working on your walk, it will happen, if AFO helps then do with AFO, just not been in wheelchair is big relief for every one, easy to go places, travelling everything becomes so easy without wheelchair




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hey ken-you will walk again.i remember falling from my wheelchair on numerous occasions-hitting my noggin often, :bop: for various reasons-like being determined to make it to the bathroom on my own,hated waiting for assistance.i told my therapist i'll be back one day running,pls stay positive,dont give up,this is coming from once doom and gloom herself.bye for now-ima of chi-town.

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