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Pretty Good Week



The weather was really pretty nice. I got 2 of the planters on the porch planted. I filled the 3 hummbird feeders. One little guy came in the house.. he flew right back out. Then came in again.. Luckily he stayed by the slideing glass door.. he got behind the vertical blind but I was able to guide him back out.


I got some Spring cleanning done.. of course I always have greater expectations, than I can actually accomplish. So will take a few more days to complete the family room.. cleaning knick knacks, bookshelves, etc.


Saturday we went to step sons.. Sean & Angie. we have 3 grandchildren from them 2 girls and a boy. Keely is almost 10, Taylor was 8 and Connor is 4. The girls were at a birthday party so Connor had my undivided attention. We played starwars on the play station. Then we went outside. he got his wagon out. I pulled him up to the mailboxes so we could get the mail for mom. He told me to "RUN" I explained grandma can't run.. on the way to the mail box a man got out of his car, he was using a walker. We said Hello to him.


Connor had questions about the walker (he was a baby when stroke hit me) so he doesn't remember me using a walker or cane. So we had a discussion about the man and the walker.. and 20 more questions..lol


We delivered the mail to mom. He then told me to get in the wagon.. So I got a ride down the street pulled by my 4 yr old grandson with a cast on his arm. The cast is NOT slowing him down at all.


I offered to get out and pull him.. No he says I am giving you a ride. I have a lot of energy..I need to use some of it up. He says when I am bigger I can run when I pull you. :)



Grandpa & I signed Connor's cast.. he will probably get it off on Thursday.


The girls got home from their b day party just before we left. So we got hugs and a few minutes to look over their b day treat bags.


Special memories... loving family... :cloud9:



Recommended Comments

Sounds like fun - John should have had a camera to get a picture of you getting pulled along :big_grin: . Leave it to kids.


We need to put out our hummingbird feeder - I have one who daily comes onto our patio to visit.

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go and get that ride again & take a picture I want to see grandma getting pulled by 4 yr old with cast on his hand. having family is fun, & having loving family is fun with blessings.




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