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Long time it seems...



It seems like a long time since I posted anything on my blog. Of course, it is the end of the year. We started exams on Friday and the students finish on Wednesday. I have to work until Friday.


It has been a strange week. On Thursday morning, one of the friends I carpool to work with told us that her brother was really sick and had been put in the hospital on Wednesday night. They thought it was pancreatitis (sp?). She took her planning time that morning to go visit him. They told her then that it was the final stages of cirrhosis and that he probably wouldn't live for the next 24 hours. The next morning she called me about six to tell me that she wouldn't be at work that day because he was declining quickly. He passed away around noon on Friday. He was so young (fifty). His family is so devastated right now.


I live about a block from my church and the parsonage. My minister told us this morning that someone had propped a trashcan full of water in front of his door so that when he opened the door the water dumped inside the house. This did not come as a surprise to me as we have teenagers wandering all over the place unsupervised. I teach teenagers, I know this isn't good. Anyway, while the police were in his dining room filliing out the report, a lady from my church who was visiting, noticed a man hanging around this corner near the church building. The police officer went out to check on the man and they talked for about twenty minutes before a struggle occured between the two men. It turns out that this man was planning to take his own life right there. If the officer had not been at the parsonage filling out the trash can report, he wouldn't have found this man and kept him from killing himself. I think maybe God was looking out for that man.


Anyway. I think I have rambled quite enough for one night.




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Hey Susan:


Sorry to hear about your friends's loss, that's why I sometime feel life is so precious, enjoy each moment with your loved ones, we never know when it will be our last day, and while we are here, make the world little better place then you found it. God does act mysterious way isn't it, if we take a time to look at the ositives in every bad situation.




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Sorry to hear about your friend's loss.


The Lord does work in mysterious ways - quite possibly that man had a guardian angel who intercepted on his behalf. It was not his time. It's sad though the Minister had a mini pond in his house.


I bet you are counting down the days. My daughter has 4 days this week - Thursday is their last. She informed me giggling today that soon she'll get to pester me everyday for an entire 2 months.

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