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What's The Point? Small, but interesting life!



While many of us are outdoors going about activities and remembering all our fallen heroes and those who served and still serving in harms way, I'm inside reading and praying for this world in which we live.


I came across this subject, "What's the point?" In part it says scientists once thought that the vertebrate with the shortest lifespan was the turquoise killifish. This small fish lives in seasonal rain pools in equatorial Africa and must complete its life cycle in 12 weeks before the pools disappear.


But researchers from James Cook University in Australia have now found that the pygmy goby has an even shorter lifespan. It lives fast and die young. This tiny fish lives in coral reefs for an average of 56 days. Its rapid reproductive cycle is designed to help avoid extinction.


What's the point of a life that goes so fast and ends so quickly? It's a question asked by one of the wisest men who ever lived. In his later years, Solomon, the third king of Israel, wandered from God. He became spiritually disoriented and loss his sense of direction and purpose.


He looked at all his accomplishments and found them worthless. Until he remembered his God, he forgot that we live not merely for ourselves but for the honor of the one who made us worship and enjoy Him forever.


Significance is not found in the number of our days, but in what our eternal God says about how we have used them. I read Ecclesiastes 12:6-14, but this was written by Mart De Haan for our daily bread magazine.


It's amazing to read how many years Moses and many others lived and read where Jesus' life was very short. Reproductions of generations after generations are why so many of us have lived to be grand parents and in some cases great and great-great grand parents. Still other young lives are cut short without chances of becoming parents are grand parents.


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That was quite deep and philosophical. Only HE knows the plan HE has established for each of us. Whatever his future plan for me, I'm quite glad he provided me another opportunity to be a part of this world. For that I'm grateful.

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Hi Fred


Nice post! Life is truly something to be thankful for every day. There is also a verse in Ecclesiastes that says time and circumstance befall us all. (Ecc 9:11)


There may seem to be a little irony to that chapter and verse, but I think the point being that none of us knows for sure what our future holds. The life of a dew drop is measured in minutes or at most hours, whereas our earthly home has been around for billions of years.


We are a part of the creation (some may say eveloution) and may not appear important. A second in the stream of time may seem unimportant, but if you were to remove one second and disrupt the stream, where would we all be?


A place for everything and everything in it's place. And the great time keeper ensures that the universe unfolds as it should.


Just had to jump in Fred. The water in your reflective pool just seemed a little too calm. LOL


Hope you are having a great day


Smiles :)



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Fred, I am in favour of calm waters, an ordered life, law and order etc, but I know God often works the best when he makes something of the chaos in my life. He certainly has had to work through a lot of it in the time since Ray's major strokes.


Maybe the pygmy goby, which lives fast and dies young does so in some of the most beautiful waters in the world and that is the point. We don't seem to get more than 56 days in paradise in a lifetime ourselves. Count your best days and you will see what I mean.


I too think that God has put us here for a purpose and it isn't revealed to us to know what impact we have on the lives of others. Just be and do your best Fred. It is all any of us can do.



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L K,


That's a good wonder, but I suppose they got it down to a fine science of reproduction. Unlike the spider that loses his life after mating. Can you imagine how sad he would be if no babies were conceived by her and he doesn't get a second chance?

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